that's my girl

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Penelope's pov

I was sitting in spells class not really paying attention since I probably have the best grade in here and it's not really that hard when a note was dropped onto my desk
I looked up to see Josie smiling at me so I smiled back and opened the note

your room after class?

I sighed because I know she wants sex which I don't mind giving her but she's been using it as an excuse to not talk to Lizzie and she's going to have to at some point. Maybe I'll just take her back to my room so we can talk about it

of course cutie

I wrote back and gave the note back to her. She read the note, looked up at me and smiled. I then payed attention the rest of the class waiting for it to end
When the bell rang I stood up and grabbed Josie's hand and we began to walk to my room. As soon as I closed the door behind us I got pushed up against it.
"Being dominate now are we" I smirked and turned her around so now she was pushed against the door. Her face turned into a pout when I let go of her and walked father into my room.
"Baby we need to talk" I sighed
She slowly walked over to where I was
"You're not going to break up with me again, are you" she said worriedly
"Jojo no" I laughed
I patted the spot of the bed next to me where I was sitting but she sat in my lap instead which I didn't mind
"You need to talk to Lizzie" I said
Josie rolled her eyes and scoffed
"Look Josie we've been having sex nonstop since you and Lizzie got in that fight and while I don't mind it, I know it's because you're avoiding her" I said while turning her face so she would make eye contact with me
"This is tearing you apart and as much as I don't like Lizzie, you need to talk to her" I told her
"Okay fine I'll talk to her" she pouted back at me
"That's my girl" I smiled squeezing her cheek
Josie's pov

Penelope was right. I did need to talk to Lizzie so I went to go find her
I found her in our room that I hadn't slept in for weeks
"Hey Jo" Lizzie said when I walked in
"Hi Liz, can we talk?" I asked
"Sure, but let me start please?" She asked so I nodded my head yes
"Okay so let me start by saying i'm so sorry for being such a bitch to you. I didn't mean any of what I said Jo. Penelope loves you and I know that but I was just angry because of everything going on with Hope and I" She said grabbing my hand
"I'm sorry too Lizzie, I shouldn't have acted the way I did. I was just really hurt by what you said but it's okay" I said squeezing her hand
We hugged for a while and then talked about other things going on and I told Lizzie I would sleep in our room tonight
Penelope's pov

I haven't seen Josie in hours so I'm guessing things with Lizzie went well. That or Lizzie killed her. Probably the first option
It was almost curfew so I decided to stop by the twin's room to see if Josie was okay
I knocked on the door and Lizzie answered
"Ugh it's you. Jo" She called
Josie came up to the door and smiled when she saw me
"Hi baby" She said pulling me inside the room for a hug and closing the door behind me
We pulled away from the hug and I walked further into her room to see Hope and Lizzie laying on Lizzies bed watching some movie.
Josie brought me to her bed and pulled me down with her
"Hi Jojo, how've you been" I whispered looked down at her laying on my chest
"You act like you haven't seen me in ages" Josie whisper laughed and looked up at me
"It's been like 4 hours Josie, that's so fucking long" I whined
Josie giggled and cuddled into me more
I leaned down to kiss her head
We spent the rest of the night watching movies while we all made jokes and laughed together

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