that's a lot of hickeys

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Josie's pov

I woke up to a naked Penelope on me with her mouth open, drooling on my neck
I giggled, waking her up
"hmm what are you laughing at" Penelope asked with a groggy voice
"You're drooling babe" I said moving her hair out of her face
she wiped her mouth off
"Sorry baby" Penelope said chuckling
"It's okay, it's cute" I said pecking her forehead
"Josie" Someone said from outside of the door
I groaned
"Josie I know you're in there with the she devil" Lizzie said
Penelope smirked at me and started kissing my neck
"What Lizzie" I said bitting my lip
"I need to talk to you" Lizzie said sternly
Penelope bit down on my sweet spot making me squirm
"N-not right now Lizzie" I said trying not to moan
Lizzie huffed and walked away
"Penny" I groaned
She kissed up my jaw
"Seriously?" I said giving her a look
"I didn't hear you complaining" Penelope mumbled against my jaw
I rolled my eyes and pulled her back up to my mouth so I could kiss her
"I love you" Penelope said in between kisses
"I love you more" I said back
"No I do" Penelope said
I pulled back and pouted
"No I do" I gasped as she started kissing my neck again
"Babe" I groaned because I knew she was leaving marks
"hmm" she hummed
"S-stop" I stuttered out
She pecked my lips
Penelope moved away from me about to get up
"No" I pouted and pulled her back down
"Baby we have to get ready" she chuckled
"Not yet" I whined
"Fine" she said cuddling into me again
I kissed her and it started to get pretty heated really fast. I started kissing down her jaw to her neck stopping at the spot behind her ear that I know makes her go crazy. I moved down her neck and made sure to leave a few marks
"Jojo" Penelope moaned out when I scraped my teeth against a particular spot
I kissed my way back up to her lips and pulled away
"Okay, let's get ready" I said smiling and pulling her up
"Such a tease" Penelope said shaking her head
Penelope's pov

Josie and I walked to class after eating breakfast
We walked into history and sat down by each other
As the class started an angry looking Davina walked in with shorter hair and took her seat glaring at Josie
Josie looked at me nervously but I couldn't help but laugh
"It's not funny" Josie said
"Kinda is, you did the same thing to me but I can actually rock it" I winked at her
Josie blushed and reached for my hand
"Okay get in your groups to work on the project" our teacher said
"great" Josie mumbled and let go of my hand to which I frowned at
I scooted my chair closer to Josie's and wrapped my arm around her waist
"Do you two have to be touching at all times?" Davina said rolling her eyes as she sat down
"Jealous much?" Josie said
"I'm the jealous one? You burned my hair off!" Davina practically screamed and Josie looked away
"She burned my hair off too, but that's because she was still in love with me" I smirked at Josie
"Whatever" Davina scoffed
Josie turned her head to look at me
"You were-"
"Woah that's a lot of hickeys" Davina said
Josie's hand went straight to her neck to cover them
"Pennyy" Josie whined
I shrugged "I think it's hot"
"I think you're hot" Josie said leaning in
"OKAY- let's just do the stupid project" Davina growled
Lizzie's pov

"Jo!" I said when I finally found her at lunch
"I need to- geez did your neck get attacked by a bear?" I said grabbing her face and inspecting the she devils marks
Josie rolled her eyes
"What did you need to talk to me about?" Josie asked slapping my hands away
I glanced at Penelope and Hope looking at us
"Uhh not here" I said standing up
Josie followed me into the hallway
"What's up?" she asked
"So I have this ring" I said pulling it out of my pocket
"It's a promise ring for Hope-" I was saying
"Awh oh my gosh that's so cute!" Josie said looking at the ring closer
"I'm trying to figure out how to give it to her" I said
"Penelope gave me a promise ring, the first time we dated, at the place we first kissed at which was the mill. I thought it was so cute and thoughtful. Maybe you should do the same thing" Josie said
That was a really good idea
"Okay, will you help me?" I asked
"Of course" Josie said giving me a hug
I put the ring away and we walked back over to our lunch table
"Oh good you were gone for so long, I thought she killed you" Penelope teased putting an arm around Josie
"Haha" I said back
Penelope's pov

"What did Lizzie want earlier?" I asked Josie
She was sat in between my legs reading a book
"She's giving Hope a promise ring and wanted me to help her set up where she was going to do it" Josie said
"Awh that's kinda sweet" I said
Josie closed her book and put it on my bedside table, turning around to face me
"Yeah" Josie said wrapping her arms around my neck
"Do you still have the one I gave you?" I asked
I wouldn't be hurt if she didn't, okay maybe a little, but we did break up after I gave it to her

She moved one of her arms and pulled out a necklace that was tucked under the sweatshirt she was wearing that had the promise ring I gave her on it
"Do you seriously think I would get rid of it" Josie laughed
"I guess not" I said pecking her lips
I still had the one she gave me on my finger but Josie isn't really a ring person so it makes sense that she would put it on a necklace
I pulled her closer so we could hug and I could just hold her
"You know you don't have to worry about Davina, right Jojo? I am completely head over heals in love with you" I said
"I know Penny, she just gets on my nerves" Josie sighed
"But I'm completely head over heals in love with you too Penny" Josie said squeezing me closer to her

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