i'm going to marry you one day

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Penelope's pov

I was in the library trying to pass time because Josie was with her sister. I had been reading for a while and I took out my phone to see that the time said 5:30 and I sighed
I missed her even if it has just been a couple of hours since i've seen her
I decided to go find her so maybe we could all hangout together
As I was walking through the halls I bumped into someone that was walking very quickly
"I'm so sorry" they began to say
I looked up and realized it was Josie
Her eyes were puffy and she head tear stained cheeks, she also had a discolored patch on her cheek
"Jojo?" I said quietly pulling her into my embrace
"Baby what happened?" I asked
She didn't answer instead she just leaned into me more
I pulled back and cupped her cheek to which she flinched at but then leaned into my touch
"Who the fuck did this?" I asked angrily
"N-no one, it was an accident" Josie stuttered out, her eyes brimming with tears again
"Oh Jojo" I said bringing her back into my arms
I hate seeing her cry. I also hate that she's hurt and I can't do anything about it
I'll find out who did this and they'll pay
I pulled back again and held her hand
"Let's go get you some ice and we can go back to my room and cuddle" I said
She smiled nodded her head

Once we got back to my room I laid down on the bed first and then had her lay on top of me so I could hold the ice bag I had wrapped in a wash cloth on her face. It was becoming more prominent that the discolored patch on her cheek was a bruise and it pissed me off that someone would even dare touch Josie.
After about an hour or so of watching a movie I sat up and looked at Josie
"Can we please talk about it?" I asked
She sighed "Fine"
"Who did it?" I asked calmly
"Why does it matter?" she asked back
"You know damn well why it matters!" I said back
"It was Lizzie" she mumbled out I tensed and was about to get up but she stopped me
"Don't be mad at her! It was an accident. Lizzie was having a panic attack and I was trying to help her and she threw somethings and it hit my face but it's fine Penny, I'm okay" Josie tried to reassure me
"She still threw something at you!" I yelled
"She didn't mean to Penny!" She yelled back
"Okay" I said letting out a breath trying to calm down
My eyes then got watery
"Hey hey what's wrong" Josie asked frowning
I let out a breath as the tears begin to fall
She pulled me in for a hug and just held me for a while
"I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you" I sobbed
"Penny It's okay! I'm okay, I promise baby" Josie said trying to reassure me
"Things?" I mumbled all of the sudden remembering what she said
"She threw somethings at you, Jojo?" I asked
Josie froze
"Josie" I said sternly
Josie lifted up her shirt a little revealing a gash oh her left side
"Jojo!" I gasped
"Baby, we need to get this cleaned up. Why didn't you tell me about this before?" I asked with watery eyes again
"It doesn't really hurt" she said shrugging
"Bullshit" I said back
I lead her to my bathroom and got out the first aid kit to clean it up
"I'm sorry Jojo" I said after cover up the gash and running a finger along it
she jumped down from the counter and wrapped her arms around my neck
"It's okay baby" she said softly
I leaned in to give her a kiss trying to be gentil because of her cheek
"I love you" she said against my lips
"I love you more" I said against her lips back
she pulled back and pouted
"Stop, I love you more than I have every loved anyone in my whole life and that scares me sometimes" she admitted
"Even more than you love Lizzie?" I smirked
I already knew the answer to this question but I just wanted to mess with her. Of course she loves Lizzie more and that's okay
"Yes" Josie said shocking me
I smiled really big
"Wait are you serious?" I asked
"Yes, but if you tell Lizzie that, i'll kill you" she joked
I just smiled and kissed her good cheek
Josie grabbed both of my cheeks so I would look at her and brought my face up to hers
"I'm going to marry you one day" she smiled
"Yeah?" I smiled back
"Yeah" she giggled back
"I love you so much Jojo" I said before capturing her lips into mine

hi! thanks so much for reading. I'm so sorry the updates have been slow, I've been super busy because I have online classes and they're stressing me out. anyways stay safe guys!!<3

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