my sweet sweet Jojo

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Penelope's pov

Josie explained everything to me. How he took advantage of her when she was intoxicated. How he touched her while she was struggling to get away. It all made me tear up.
"Why didn't you tell me Jojo?" I was full on crying now
"We broke up and I didn't want to bother you with it" she explained
I pulled her into my embrace and squeeze her really tight. She buried her head in my neck.
"Jojo" I brought her face to look at me
"I hate this bastard so much. I hate what he did to you. I hate how you felt like you couldn't come to me with this" I said while holding her face in my hands. She leaned into my touch
"I'm here for you always Jojo. Always, even if we do end up not together I am always still here for you baby" I pulled her into my lap so I could hold her.
"I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you Jo" I sobbed into her neck
"Hey it's okay baby" Josie pulled back and grabbed my face
"It is absolutely not your fault. Please don't sit there and try to blame yourself" she kissed me
The kiss started off slow but began to speed up and become more passionate. I could taste the saltiness of both our tears mixing together. She pulled back and smiled at me.
"I love you Jojo" I said kissing her nose
"I love you Penny" she giggled
I laid back and brought Josie with me so we could lay there and just hold each other.
I know she told me it's not my fault but I still can't help but feel i'm part of the blame. I know what night she was talking about. We had broke up a week earlier over a petty little fight about Lizzie. I was at the party too. I was high and drunk off my ass. I saw Landon and Josie and it made me mad so I had gotten with someone else too because I was hurt that Josie moved on so quick. If I would have known what that asshole would do to my Jojo.
My sweet sweet Jojo. She didn't deserve that and I don't deserve her.
I looked down at her asleep in my arms.
Wondering why on earth she loves someone as terrible as me.
Josie's pov

I woken in Penelope's arms and looked up to see her with her eyes close, tears streaming down her face.
I immediately sat up and grabbed her face, using my thumbs to wipe away the tears
"Penny baby, what's wrong" I frowned
"I-I j-just I should h-have been there for you. This i-is all my fault Jojo" she sobbed
I got on top of her and pulled her into me so I could hold her
"Penny" I sighed
"This is in no way your fault. Please don't blame yourself. He is the one that did all this to me, not you" I said while she buried her head into my neck
"But Jojo I saw you at the party with Landon, if only I would have known I could have stopped it" she sobbed harder
I pulled her head back with both of my hands so I could look into her eyes.
"Penelope, it is not your fault in anyway. No one could have known it was going to happen" I sighed
"Landon is very wrong for what he did Penny, but please don't blame yourself for what he did" I pulled her face closer to me and leaned our foreheads together
"Baby you didn't do anything wrong at all, please stop crying" I caressed her check
"O-okay" she hiccuped
I leaned into kiss her but she pulled back. I looked at her confused
"Jojo I love you and I'll never leave you again baby" she smiled wrapping her arms around my waist, pulling me impossibly closer
"I love you penny" I leaned in and this time she leaned in too. The kiss was slow and passionate

We went back out into the living room and found Hope and Lizzie cuddled up on the couch watching a movie. They both smiled at as and patted on the spot next to them telling us to join them.
"You guys okay?" Lizzie asked
I looked at Josie and she nodded while moving so she was sitting in my lap. I looked at Lizzie and smiled. We all went back to watching the movie.
We stayed in New Orleans for the rest of the week and had the time of our lives. We drove back Saturday morning and Mr. Slazman met us at the front gates. He said he had to do some work with Lizzie and Josie. So Josie went off with them, kissing me goodbye. I went off to go find MG so we could hang out.

After a few hours of hanging out with MG I left to go find Josie so we could go down to dinner together. I walked to her room and opened the door to find Raphael on top of Josie on her bed. I was shocked to say the least.
"Get the hell off of her" I screamed
He jumped off of her with his hands up and walked out of Josie's room
"Wait Pen it's not what it looks like!" Josie said but I was already out her door. I was beyond heartbroken. I can't believe she would do that to me. My sweet sweet Jojo

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