i'm not jealous

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Penelope's pov

I woke up to josie looking at me with her hand on my face
"You creep" I laughed
She just smiled and shook her head
"Sorry it's just hard to believe that something as perfect as you is mine" She looked away blushing
I pulled her closer into me
"Well you better believe it because i'm not going anywhere" I said pecking her lips
We just stared at each other for a few minutes until she broke the silence
"Come on baby, we have to go to class"
she said pulled my up with her out of bed
I walked with her into the bathroom and we got ready to go to class
Josie's pov

Penelope and I were sitting next to each other in history. We sat in the middle of the class by the window. Our teacher told us to get in groups of 3 for a project so of course Penelope and I were together but we had to find one more person. All of the sudden Davina walked up to us
"Hey Penny, do you mind if I join your group" She said flashing her a smile
I rolled my eyes. This girls has always tried to get with Penelope and the fact that she's ignoring my presence and that she called her Penny makes me even more mad. Only I can call her Penny.
"Sure Dav" Penelope smiled back
"Perfect" Davina said squeezing Penelope's hand
I put my arm around Penelope's waist and pulled her into me
She looked at me and smiled pecking me on the lips.
"So Penny, what are we doing for our project" Devina asked interrupting our moment
I rolled my eyes again
"Can you stop calling me Penny?" Penelope laughed
"That's something only Jojo here can call me" she said pulling me into her
I just smiled
"Okay whatever so what are we doing" Devina said rolling her eyes at us
"Well I was thinking-" I started to say but Davina interrupted me
"That's never good" she snickered
Penelope looked at her
"Shut the fuck up" Penelope said which made me smile
"Don't fucking say shit like that to my girlfriend" Penelope growled getting angry
"Oh i'm sorry Pen I didn't mean to offend her or you" Davina said putting her hand on Penelope's hand again but this time she kept it there
"Right" Penelope said rolling her eyes and pulling her hand away
"As you were saying Jojo" Penelope said putting an arm around me
"Well I was just thinking that maybe we could do a report about our families since we're all witches and it might be really interesting" I said
Penelope smiled at me but it made me nervous because I didn't think her or Davina liked that idea
"But we don't have to if you-" I was saying but Penelope cut me off
"No no babe, that sounds like the best idea" She said smiling at me and caressing my cheek
"Really" I said smiling at her
"I guess it's not terrible" Davina said again ruining our moment
The bell then rang
"Bye Pen" Davina said winking
Penelope and I walked out of the classroom and I pulled Penelope into a broom closet
When we got inside the closet I faced her and crossed my arms
"What's wrong baby" she asked walking forward pulling me into her
"Davina" I pouted
She pulled back but still held onto my waist
"I know it's annoying but unfortunately we have to deal with it" she said pouted as well
"She keeps on flirting with you and I don't like it" I pouted again
"Is someone jealous" she teased
"i'm not jealous" I said crossing my arms again
She chuckled and uncrossed my arms
"You have nothing to worry about, I promise" she said pulling me closer to her again
"I trust you baby, I just don't trust her" I pouted again
She leaned in and kissed me
She pulled away and said "I'll show her who I really love" she said smirking
I just shook my head and laughed
Penelope pulled me in for a kiss again
this time it got heated quickly
I pulled away slightly
"We should go to class" I mumbled against her lips
"Yeah" Penelope mumbled back
She pulled me closer and started to make out with me rougher this time
I pulled away after a while taking her lip with me
"God I love you" Penelope said
"I love you" I said stroking her cheek
She pulled me into a hug
"I promise you have nothing to worry about with Davina. You're all I want" she said
"Okay" I let out a breath
We pulled away from the hug and she grabbed my hand
"Shall we?" Penelope asked leading me out of the closet
"We shall" I giggled

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