Little Things in Life

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I never knew what to appreciate until I have to do it myself. For example, after I worked as Sound Manager in a theatre production, I have been paying close attention to the sound part in every occassion. I listen closely to every detail and I just can't stop thinking how hard it must be to find music that fits the scene, just like what I did. Something that not everyone will notice, nor the old me. I never took time to fully acknowledge the people behind a successful theatre or a movie. After I understand this, I learn to more appreciate what people do, especially the little things they do, the ones that people rarely notice.

In a theatre, there is a saying "details are important". It shows how important little things are, but ironically they're the ones taken for granted by most of us. People only care to see how good the overall performance is, they didn't realize how hard it was to do the detailing. Small things are very crucial, because that's the key to create a "perfect" show.

The same thing goes on with our everyday life, sometimes we carelessly take some things for granted, we think that's the way it's supposed to be and we may unconsciously choose not to look a little further of what's behind it. If only we can stop focusing on ourselves but rather try to look at our surroundings, we will eventually learn to be abundantly grateful.

There are actually many things that  have yet to be appreciated. Like how your mother puts out her heart, thought and energy to cook the food that we complain it didn't taste to our liking. Have you ever thought about how she takes her time to go shopping for the ingredients and spends her time thinking what will she cook to make her loved ones full and happy? Have you ever thought about how she carefully picks the best potatoes for making the soup that she knows is your favorite? Or how she wakes up in the morning and cook your food because she knows you would be upset if you wake up and find there's no food. No, we don't. Why? Because we just automatically assume that's how things are supposed to be.

But do you see that we have the choice to acknowledge all this and appreciate the efforts behind it instead of the result? The efforts that always go unnoticed. Do you know how annoying it can be? It's the same feeling like how you practice so hard for a competition and then you lose, and people only know you as the "loser" but they don't care about how hard you have practiced. When this happened, maybe the next time you watch a tournament you would feel terrible for the losing team because you know exactly how it feels like to try so hard then lose. You wouldn't only see the result or the game, but you would also take notice the hardworks behind it like you wish people would do when you lost the game before. Just like what I said before, you never knew what to appreciate until you have to do it yourself.

For me, taking notice on sound in theatre and movie is one thing, but taking notice in this one big world that surrounds all of us is the real deal. I too, have taken many things for granted and being ungrateful. But after my understanding, in my opinion it becomes too selfish and too careless for one to NOT be thankful. How can I ever redeem myself for being such an unappreciative human being towards so many people in my life and might as well have made them feel bad about themselves because of my unnecessary critics? Have my ignorant comments ever run to their mind during the day or be the ones that keeping them up at night? I have regret many things in life but this particular realization becomes one of those rare moments when I can say "regret does NOT come only when it's too late". I'm telling you that there is still time to change the way you think about everything around you.

From now on, learn to hold your negative comments but instead be more thoughtful and understanding although it is hard to appreciate ugly things but that's the challenge, to see the beauty behind it. Learn to not taking things for granted, because there is no such thing in life that happen without the efforts and struggles of others, so what we can at least do is to be appreciative. Take notice to little things in life as they're the key to be the most grateful person you could be, or in other words, the happiest person you could possibly be.

Personal Archive from Sun, 18 Feb 2018

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