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We finished our tests and normal classes began. Some teachers who were fast in marking gave us our test scripts after it was marked. So far, I've passed all my tests which has been marked, same as Daniel. Turns out, he's even smarter than I thought.

Rumors have started going round about Daniel and I's relationship. Everyone now knows that we're dating and that doesn't stop the females from flaunting their God given endowment and seducing him. They've even stepped up their game. Now that they know, he's intelligent they will rush him the more.

Even Seun has join the league of girls who are trying to get Daniel's attention. She's always around him and flirting with him. She even does it to spite me sometimes but I pretend it doesn't bother me. She went as far as breaking up with her boyfriend.

Zara and Anna have tried everything for us to reconcile but I ain't having it. Seun is a bad friend who needs cutting off. Bad energy should stay far away. It's just three of us now, Seun distanced herself from Anna and Zara which I feel doesn't make sense. The fact that both of us aren't in good terms doesn't mean she should leave her friends. Anyways, it's her problem, not mine.

"Don't you think you should talk to Daniel about all these girls trying to seduce him?" Zara starts, clutching her purse tighter.

I've thought about it but it's only been just a week since we started dating and I don't want to look like a possessive and jealous girlfriend. I've just been ignoring all that I see even though am disturbed by it.

I pushed my glasses deeper into my face to place it well, "I know and I do get disturbed sometimes but I don't want to seem like a jealous girlfriend. We also just started our relationship."

We were walking to the tuck shop to get food to eat since it's break. I didn't eat anything before leaving for school this morning. I woke up late and had to rush my bath, me that can spend up to one hour I had to bath like DC superhero, Flash. I skipped breakfast and hurried to get a bike that would take me to school. As a result of this, I'm as hungry as ever.

"You have to tell him to cut down on the way he talks to girls. I don't mean he should stop talking to them, but he should let them know he has a girlfriend."

I hissed, "something they all know. They're all still shooting shot despite the fact that he's already taken. But I'll tell him all the same sha. We finally got to the tuck shop. "I just don't want him to see me as jealous."

"He won't, jare. If you were the one that's being surrounded by guys he would have told you he didn't like it. Guys don't like competition."

I shrugged. "If you says so, Zara."

I bought white rice, stew and boiled egg from the school's food seller while Zara just bought sausage roll and a bottle of Pepsi. After buying what we wanted, we both went to the cafeteria.

On getting there, students were seated or standing making the large hall crowded. The cafeteria is noisy as usual and Zara and I made our way to where our friends were supposed to be sitting. Daniel and I agreed to meet together for lunch but I just wanted to say hello to Anna and the rest.

"Hey girls, what's up?" I greeted them. Anna, Pamilerin and Chika were seated on the cafeteria bench, eating and gossiping.

"How far, jare Tobi?" Chika greeted back as Zara took her sit on the bench the other girls were all sitting.

I transfered the styrofoam plate whose content holds my food from my right hand to my left. "Just wanted to say hello. See you all in class."

"Okay. She's off to meet Daniel, they want to go and do their love-love." Pamilerin spoke making the rest of them chuckle while I blush with a  hidden smile on my face.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and went to look for where Daniel was sitting.

I finally spotted him after roaming my eyes through the cafeteria. He was sitting in the middle of Seun and Toyosi. This brings a frown to my face. Pauline was also sitting with them so as the head boy, senior Muhammad and senior Abdul and Japheth.

On getting there was an available seat but not next to Daniel. I sit on it nonetheless and acknowledge senior Muhammad, the head boy with a nod and he nods back.

"Who invited this one now? Coming to spoil our fun." Toyosi hisses while glaring  at me.

I ignore her and open my food to eat. I had lost appetite seeing as three girls were flirting with my boyfriend but I didn't speak a word.

Senior Abdul stood from his place next to senior J and came to sit in the open space on the bench I was seated.

"Your boyfriend did not even acknowledge your presence. If I was your boyfriend, you wouldn't have to go through all this. You'll have my full attention and undivided too. I have eyes only for you." Whispers senior Abdul.

I rolled my eyes, "I have told you I am not interested in you. There are other girls to date. Like you guys would say, there are many fishes in the ocean."

"Tobi, it's like you don't understand how your love is doing me. See, I like you-"

"Ah, Tobi, when did you get here?" Daniel asks finally noticing me.

I dropped the half empty styrofoam plate on the table in front of our bench, stood on my feet, glared at him and hissed then made my way out of the cafeteria. I could hear Toyosi, Pauline and Seun guffawing but I didn't care about them.

I was angry because the guy who is my boyfriend wasn't giving me the love and attention he ought to.

That's our story ranking above on the 20/03/2020.
It may look small but I really appreciate you guys.

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