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Dedicated to TheRealSugar

Daniel got out of the river, his hand wiping his face. Water droplets rolled down his lower body, ending on the ground. The ones which rolled from his upper body which was particularly of interest to me, got lost in the waist band of his pink, Cinderella boxer brief.

It was funny to see such prints on his briefs. I teased him about it and he said it was his favorite cousin that gave him as a birthday gift a year ago. He was pretty fond of his nine years old cousin and it was very cute to see him talk about a kid in that manner.

I wanted to see his reaction. His reaction about the pregnancy. To know how he would feel about the pregnancy. He would be supportive no doubt about that but it would have been cool to get to see his reaction.

School was hectic today. And the hot August sun made things worse, reason why Daniel had decided to swim. My uniform was drenched in sweat, beads of sweat rolling down my head. I wiped my face with a towel.

Daniel later came begging. One thing I loved about him was that, he couldn't do without me. I was his everything and I knew that. It was exciting to see him twerk in front of the class just to get me to forgive him.

"You say I'm not handsome but here you are gawking and drooling over me." He ended with a wink.

I scoffed, "it was just a mosquito I saw. Don't think you're handsome or anything." I smirked taking a long drink from my canned soda.

"Keep on deceiving yourself, baby. I know I'm handsome. Girls tell me that all the time." He sat on the log next to me and put a arm round my waist.

I laughed. "Tell those girl I said they're blind."

He collected my drink and took a swig. "They're not blind and you know it. If I was ugly I won't be the one in charge of all these."

Using the can in his hand, he caressed my breast and his other hand round my waist went to my lower back to squeeze my butt.

In return, I swatted his hand, with a small laugh.

I placed a hand on his toned, bare lap. "Do you like babies?" My head rose from gazing at the river to look at him.

I was captivated by his brown orbs all over again. "Why don't you use glasses."

"I'm careless. After misplacing the seventh pair of glasses in JSS1, my mom opted for contacts."

I nodded, averting my gaze to the river then collected my can of drink from him. I took a final sip from the little content left then tossed it on the ground.

"I always wanted a sibling. Preferably a little sister but my mom said she had health issues. She couldn't risk getting pregnant again." He laced his hand with mine, "I like babies all the same."

Placing my head on his shoulder, I crossed my legs. "Would you like to have kids?"


I turned to face him, my head leaving his shoulder and hand leaving his lap. "Yes, kids."

"I don't know." He shrugged. "If I want to have kids, that would come later and not now."

"Okay." I reached for a stone and threw it into the river. "What about now? What if the baby comes now and not later?"

His opinion didn't count as I had made up my mind. Seun's suggestion yesterday was the best option. It was the only way to reverse what was growing inside of me. And even though, Anna and Zara were opposed to the idea, I still wanted to go through with it. I had the final say.

"Babe, what's up with the questions?" He frowned.

I pretended, "what questions?" Daniel's forehead wrinkled further and his hand round my waist loosening it grip slowly.

"Questions about babies?"

I scoffed and waved a hand dismissing his seriousness. "It's nothing. I only watched a movie."

"What's the movie about?" He queried, standing from the log. He took his uniform trouser from his bag and made to wear it.

"It's was a Hollywood movie I watched over the weekend," my lie began. "There were this guy and girl dating and the girl got pregnant. Then she was finding it hard to tell the boy about the pregnancy."

Fondling with the fly of his zipper, he asked, "what's the name of the movie?"

My hand went to the side of my head scratching it. My eyes roamed the forest thinking of a fake title for the movie.

"What's the title?" Daniel looked up when he was done with his fly. He straighted his trousers and picked his white shirt.

"I can't exactly remember." I told him. He nodded, fitting his hand into the sleeves of the shirt. "What would you do if you were the guy?"

He arched an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Would you accept the pregnancy?"

He laughed, a resounding one. "You're joking right?"

I frowned, "I'm serious. Would you accept the baby?"

"Er... I-" The beeping of his phone interrupted him. Hurriedly, he picked the phone and read the message.

"Uncle Henry is here. We should leave now." He said packing his bag. I picked my bag and we both left, my question unanswered.

Why is this chapter short na?!

Anyway, ask me anything. Absolutely anything, about the book, myself or anything. I would make sure to answer.

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