1 | New Manager

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Moving to a new school in the middle of the ongoing terms was weird. That was what you thought before you decided to walk away from your old school. A sound of volleyball spiked could be heard when you were near the gymnasium.

Before you opened the door, you made a silent wish that everything would turn out alright. The second you walked inside, luck decided to test you—a ball bounced hard to your direction. Something that somehow seems so familiar,


You let out a sigh after you stopped the ball with your right hand. It was silence for a second before storms of questions and worried glance threw toward you. But one of the voice immediately perked your attention,


There in the background, your ex-teammates—that now you could be called as your new teammates—ran to catch someone with orange hair colour. It was such a pitiful sight actually, to see such a giant towering over him.

"Everyone give her some space!" Ukai Keishin, the coach, shouted to your direction so the boys would stop bombarding you with questions. You gave them a low bow and a smile, making some of them blushed.

You walked to stand beside Ukai and Kiyoko, the chief manager from the boy's volleyball team. The tablet in your hand clenched tightly to your left side while you fixed your posture and showed your professional profile.

"Gather around for a minute! I want to introduce someone!" A tall guy with blonde hair stood right in front of you. What you noticed from him was how he tried to intimidate the hell out of you. Knowing that, you gave him a dead stare.

Don't mess around with me, you lamppost. It was like your eyes could emit the unspoken words as he darted your eyes to the wall all of a sudden—you smiled. At least your gaze still worked.

"Oi! Kageyama, Hinata! Stop running around and make a line here!" Watching him brought you to some nostalgic feelings. He punched Hinata's arm until they stood on the line. His dark blue eyes widened a little when he spotted you.

"Alright, should I introduce you or will you introduce yourself?" Ukai turned to look at you, and you stepped one foot ahead. The coach understood your intention. Before you speak, you set out to take a look at the member one by one.

"My name is (L/n) (F/n) I am going to be Shimizu Kiyoko's partner from now on." You bowed to all of them, "I hope we could get along." You straightened your pose and smiled at them.

"OF COURSE WE CAN GET A-" "Another goddess!!!" "S-sorry they are kinda-"

You blinked, didn't know what you should do now after the encounter. The coach told them to introduce themselves, and you actually had written down their names and position. But knowing they saw you as a member warmed your heart.

The third years introduced themselves shyly while the second year seems to be enthusiastic when they tell you their names. You could only chuckle at their antics. Now, your eyes darted to the first year.

You smiled differently when Kageyama introduced himself in front of you. After that, Ukai told them to be back to their practice. Everyone came back to the court except your middle school friend.

He walked towards you and just stood there, leaving one man's gap between the two of you. At this point, you tried hard to keep your professional composure.

But hell, you couldn't resist the urge to do it.

"TOBIO-CHAAANNN!!!" You squealed and jumped to his figure. Both of your hands were hooked to his neck, and he didn't expect you to do it in mere seconds after he walked up to you.

Careful so the tablet in your left hand wouldn't get intact, both of you fell to the ground since he didn't prepare for your outburst. Some things weren't changed even after months of never seeing each other.

"(Y/n), not cool." He said it with a stern look, but he put his hand on your waist nevertheless.

"E-eh?! Does Kageyama acquainted with the new goddess?!" Nishinoya shouted, and you immediately stood up, followed by Kageyama.

"Well, I went to the same middle school as him, so..."

"WHAT?!" "Whoa, Kitagawa Daiichi, huh?" "So you must know the Grand King too?"

You could feel Kageyama twitch his eyes flickered his gaze towards you, trying to see your reaction. Your hands immediately patted his back, didn't care for the sweat that covered his clothes.

"Of course, I know Tooru." You smiled mysteriously at the memories that lingered on your mind for a second, "I've become their manager for three years after all."

"Wait—" Sugawara, the setter of Karasuno Volleyball Club walked up to you, "Then, you are the famous Goddess of Support, right?" You blushed at the nickname and nodded.

"So that's why you seem familiar." The captain turned to look at his grey-haired friend, "Sugawara is a fan of yours."


"Daichi you couldn't just say it out of the blue like that!"

"Please go back to the practice everyone!" You bowed and set back to your professional profile, "I need to take a closer look for your everyday habits since I wanted to know what's best for all of you."


You walked around and asked them one by one about what they eat every day and what time they usually felt tired. Kageyama stats were mostly the same. His addiction for milk was still uncanny.

After you collected the data from everyone, Shimizu asked you what you were going to do with all of the answers from the players.

"Oh, I need to know what food could boost their stamina since it was different for everyone." You closed your tablet and turned your head to look at the court.

Each of the players had their own personalities and uniqueness. The passion in their eyes burns every time they serve, spike, block, and everything related to their game.

You smiled at this since it will be a long journey ahead. Moving to Karasuno was the best choice you could ever make. They completed each other and worked not just as a team, but also a family.

»»————- ♔ ————-««

It was late right now, and everyone practised hard after losing from Aoba Johsai in the Inter High tournament. You were happy to know that the third years will participate in the next Spring Tournament.

You grabbed your backpack after you cleaned up the gymnasium with Shimizu. The first day of becoming Karasuno manager went smoothly. Not even once they asked what were you doing moving to a new school in the middle of terms, and you were glad for that—you were not ready to tell them.

Bzzt! Bzzt!

Your phone that you kept in your pocket vibrates, you decided to peek into it for a second. Only to see your old teammates messaged you, and he was one of the people you couldn't bear the most to say goodbye to.

Are you happy there? It was from him.

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