18 | Bottled Confession

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You have been running through the entire building to search for the Aobajohsai's captain. The building is already empty since a lot of people were going home once the match is over.

No matter what, you just want to see him. It's alright if he's already inside his bus and ready to go, but you just need to see his face one more time.

Your feet stopped when you saw his back, currently sending a glare to a player in front of him, one of your ex-teammates and his ultimate rival, Ushijima Wakatoshi.

Ushijima is the one who realised that you were standing there since you were facing towards him. Noticing the changing atmosphere, Oikawa turned around. Eyes widen to see you standing there, panting.

It's quiet for a second until you dusted your pants and walked towards them.

"Toshi, Oikawa." You greet them one by one since both of them have once become your teammates. Oikawa flinched when you called him by his last name, "I'll see you in the next match, Toshi."

"You shouldn't have moved to Karasuno." Ushijima exclaimed bluntly, making your eyebrows twitched, "Both of you should have enrolled to Shiratorizawa instead."

"I bet he's been telling you this, am I right?" You looked to Oikawa that currently holds the same expression as yours and he nodded, "Toshi, as much as I like your blunt words and being a friend with you, we should catch up another time, okay?"

You walked towards him and patted his back. "There, there. Don't miss me too much!" Ushijima ears adorned with red colour, but you didn't notice it. He let out a sigh and turned away to the exit door while you walked back in front of Oikawa,

"Can I borrow your time for a minute?" Your face looks so calm while actually there's a storm brewing inside you. Oikawa's gaze was unreadable, and you couldn't understand what's hiding inside his brown eyes. But after that, his gaze softened a little.

"Of course."

You walked to lead the way, and he followed you. His pace was quickening a little to match yours. Actually, you don't know what to say to him. Hell, you don't even know where to go.

"How is your body?" You asked timidly, remembering how he crashed to the sideline bench at the last minute.

"Hmm? Looking good as always." He smirked, and you could only snort at this.

"You just crashed to the supplies bench at the game, does your body okay?" You facepalmed, he let out a small giggle.

"I guess I am alright." He stopped his pace all of a sudden, "Well, at least physically, I am alright. Just a little sore." Hearing that, you stopped as well and took a good look at him.

"Then take a good ol' bath, wouldn't you?" You gave him a faint smile, "Are you still taking a bath with the alien rubber doll?"

"Are you here just to make fun of me?" He whined and scratched his head, "Why are you so mean~" You laughed hard at this. You miss the banter, the tease and the unforgettable moment every time you were with him.


"Tooru." Oikawa turned serious in a split second, "I-" He looked up to the ceiling, you didn't know what happened, but suddenly he let out a sob. His eyes glossy with tears as he looked at you, "C-can I hug you?"

Without thinking, you immediately wrapped your arms around his large torso. He fell to the ground, thanks to the wall behind him that he could slide on it.

He put his head on your chest, silently begging you to caress his hair. Your fingers were lacing through his soft locks. You could feel his tears seeping through your shirts as you tried to comfort him.

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