9 | Mackerel Deal

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That night, all of the girls were done with their assignment. You excused yourself to go to one of the gyms, gymnasium three to be exact, since three guys were waiting for you. The gym was loud even if you still far from it, and you couldn't help but chuckle.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" You shook your head when you heard the familiar voice, "Aren't that my favourite little cousin?!" Bokuto jumped out to tackle you, but you moved to the side entirely.

"I am sorry, Kou. I was just taking a shower." He pouted because of this, saying how everyone seems to avoid physical contact with him. Your eyes drifted to the pretty setter and smiled, "Good evening, Kaashi-senpai."

"Good evening, (L/n)-san." You flinched, he's always formal around everyone, "When will your friend arrived here?" Your eyes looked at the clock.

"Because of the lack of his passion for volleyball, he may be back to the dorm in ten minutes." It's scary sometimes that you know what your teammates do on a daily basis, "Since there's no way he will practise more."

"So we still have ten minutes before stopping him, right?" Kuroo stated, and you nodded at that, "Now, manager. Come on, entertain me." He bowed his head a little, so now his face was just inches from you.

"Huh?" You furrowed your eyebrows, "Care to elaborate?"

"Show me your manager side, will you?" The question was enough to make your brain works.

"Oh, I see." It's like your aura changed every time you switched to your manager side, "I see that your block is as good as ever, but somehow I don't know why your service was kinda off in today's match."

Your voice became huskier and more stern than your usual, "I would like to predict that you were distracted? But I couldn't say what could distract you."

He smirked at your remark and straightened his posture, "Ohohoho?" Your eyes twitched a little from the sound he made, "Do you want me to tell you what has been on my mind?" You think about it. This could be interesting, "How about it? It could be beneficial for you, since distracted means I have a weakness, right?"

You leaned on the wall, with arms crossing in front of your figure, "Alright, Kuroo-san. Could you tell me what distracted you?" That's when you know, leaning on the wall is a wrong move. He put his hand on the wall beside your head and smirked,

"Well, a new manager apparently caught my interest." Kuroo licked his lips while his cat-like eyes bore into you, "And she made me distracted for sure."

"Kuroo! I just take my eyes off you for a minute, and you already tried to pounce my cousin!" You gasped hard at the blunt word from Bokuto and ran towards him, "Shoo! Shoo, Kuroo! Oh, Akaashi, I want to punch this guy so much!"

"Your choices for words was bad, Bokuto-san," Akaashi remarked, thank god at least someone has a brain cell.

"Sorry, sorry." Kuroo chuckled. Then his eyes darted to the clock, "Let see if the manager's prediction was right or not. Come on." You just stood there inside the court while the others followed him.

If Tsukishima knew you are there, he wouldn't comply for their request since he will realise that it's not just a mere coincidence he gets called by the trio.

With cunning words from Kuroo, Tsukishima entered the gym. He didn't realise you at first since his eyes still bore to the upperclassmen. So you decided to hide, away from his gaze.

You almost stumbled when you feel someone's hand on your feet. There, laying in the court. Was the giant that wanted to block Hinata's spike so much. You almost screamed at that, but when you realised he literally fainted, you decided to let it go and analyse your teammate.

Tsukishima got the skill, but he didn't have the passion burning in his eyes like the others much to everyone dismay. Bokuto spiked to him, again and again. Your middle blocker couldn't hide the irked from not being able to block any of the attacks.

"Rest first, Tsukishima." You appeared behind him with mineral waters in your hand. He stumbled a little, shocked to see you there. But he fixed his composure in a split second.

"What are you doing here, chibi-chan?" He asked, "Oh, don't tell me..."

"Well, yes. I am sorry for that." Tsukishima grabbed the water bottle and went to Akaashi. You huffed from his attitude.

Kuroo appeared beside you, amused by the irritating look that visible on your face. You realise the bedhead but keep silent. You are noting the achievement of today's practice.

"Hey, Kuroo-san." You called him while still writing down in your tablet. He hummed to respond you, "Would you do me a favour?"

"Oya?" He smirked since he didn't expect you to ask for his help, "Shoot, kitten. Maybe we could make a deal out of it."

"Would you mind making this to be a daily routine?" You bit your stylus softly, "I think it will be great for everyone."

"Hmm, what makes you think I will say yes to that?" Once again, he gets down a little to match your gaze. You know it will take something to make him agree.

"I will cook for you." He raised his eyebrows, "Dinner, every day." A genuine smile plastered on his face, but he wanted you to continue, "Grilled salted mackerel pike. You could request how much."

He chuckled at your proposal. You were scary when it comes to information, indeed. He held out his hand, and you took it immediately, afraid that he will ask for more.

"You got yourself a deal, kitten."


Today's match is no different from yesterday. Two times Karasuno's match against Nekoma, and both match ended up with Karasuno running up the hill.

You kept an extra eye towards Tsukishima. Bokuto has been bombarded him to join another late practise, but you could hear him saying no. If anyone couldn't encourage him, the only one that can do that is the one who's close to him.

This time, you need Yamaguchi Tadashi.

"Yama!" You called out to your friends in the hallways, just out from the restroom, "Are you going to practice with the others?"

"Oh, of course! I am just going back there." He said sheepishly, "But, do you need anything? Since it's uncommon to see the managers to past this hallway."

"Ah, about that..." You told what's happening the day before to Yamaguchi. Since he's Tsukishima's close friend, he just knew something that no one knows about your teammate.

"I-" He gulped, and bowed to you all of a sudden, "I will make him fall in love to volleyball again!"

"Alright, I will wait for the result!" Yamaguchi straightened his posture and nodded. He dashed to god knows where, searching for his friend.

After that, you walked to the gymnasium three. Where you were supposed to saw the late practise between Kuroo, Akaashi, and Bokuto.

"You are here!" Bokuto shouted when he saw you, "But hey, where's the glasses boy?" You turned your body to looked outside.

"Just you wait."

Few minutes after you said that, you heard Akaashi and the others started to chant their infamous "Oya". You giggled when you realise how those guys were just a bunch of volleyball dork inside.

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