4 | Embarrasment

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Since there's a possibility that Kageyama, Hinata, Nishinoya, and Tanaka could fail their test, Sawamura decided to make a study group after practice to help everyone with their concern.

"So, you are really that bad in English, huh?" You tease Kageyama for his score, "Learning another language is fun! Why you didn't try to do it?"

"I don't need it." He huffed, "After all, how could I possibly remember all of the words in English?" You chuckled at how desperate his voice is.

"Here, look at my notes." You show him the simple notes that you made, "I make it so it will be easier to understand. Which one that you found hard?" His finger pointed at one of the sub-title.

"Oh, this one is tricky indeed. But if you remember the meaning of it, you will understand it." You scooted closer to the boy, didn't aware of how his body tensed from how your arm touched his, "There are three conditional sentences..."

You explained to him slowly until he understood the theory,

"H-how about this one?" You blinked, wondering why he's stuttering all of a sudden, "N-no... u-un?" Didn't know what he meant, you scooted even closer than before and looked down to your book.

"Oh! Noun phrase!" You looked up immediately without noticing how Kageyama also take a closer look. Your face was so close to him that you could feel his breath on your lips. 

Both of you froze. Right now you could really see how a faint blush adorning his face, his breath became ragged, and his eyes that usually looked black was now showing their true colour. The dark blue eyes pierced into yours.


Startled, you looked to the others and realised how they all get silent and enjoy the show between you and Kageyama. A smirk plastered on Tsukishima's face while he saw the picture that he captured through his phone.

To said you were embarrassed was an understatement. You feel like a fool for drowning to the unexpected moment with the setter. Immediately, you stood up and bowed.

"I-I am going to catch some fresh air." You ran through the door before someone could answer you. Kageyama shocked face turned into a scowl when he turned to see the blonde guy.

"You are dead, four eyes."

For almost a year, you've never been this close to a guy. Yes, you had known Kageyama since your first year of middle school. But this is the first time you were this close to him while out of a relationship.

You bit your lips, didn't want to remember your graduation day. Not even a slightest.

"Why would you do this to me, (Y/n)-chan..."

You remember how his dark brown eyes glimmering with tears. Fist clenched when he heard your decision.

"What about your promise?! You told me you are going there with me! You promise, (Y/n)-chan!"

His eyes looked at you with betrayal inside it. Like someone just broke his trust into pieces.

"You are going to Ushijima's school!" He sobbed and let out a bitter laugh, "Why should I wait for you all of this time if this is what you are going to do to me?"

What's more tragic from this? Those someone is you.

"But, Tooru I-"

And there's no rationale that could mend those broken trust.

You were now sat outside of the gymnasium. Both of your eyes were blank with a tear-stain adorning your cheek. Grabbing your phone, you scroll through the contacts and found the name that you were looking for.

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