23 | Toss For Me

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Just like what you thought, Shiratorizawa could win the third set with ease. You gritted your teeth, Shirabu has been playing with a calm and composed mind. He calculated his toss perfectly, making a way for Ushijima to spike the ball. After all, it was always his dream to toss for the ace.

"(Y/n)-chan! Do you see that? You see it, right?" Oikawa shouted at you from the court, his smile was so wide when he waved at you, "The toss that I-"

"Focus on the game, Trashykawa!" But before he continued his words, Iwaizumi slapped his back so hard, making the poor boy winch, "You can flirt with her later."

"U-Uhm, Oikawa-san!" You called out since the umpire didn't blow their whistle yet, "Your toss was great! P-Please keep going!" Hearing that, the brown-haired looked at you with eyes full of adoration. He gave you a salute before coming back to his formation.

It's been three months since you joined Kitagawa Daiichi VBC as their manager. Today, they played against Shiratorizawa. From the information that you can collect, they are known to be a powerhouse school. The most elite school in the prefecture.

You pouted every time one person named Ushijima Wakatoshi spiked the ball. He is good, very good at volleyball to be exact. His spike was legendary, but he could receive and serve too. It's like he's the epitome of Shiratorizawa itself, powerful.

"Iwa-chan, don't mind!" You shouted to your childhood friend as he was just being blocked by Shiratorizawa's middle blocker, "Come on, you guys can do it." It was the last set, both teams considered as an equal opponent. You really hope that your school could win the match today.

When one of the spikes was getting blocked, you couldn't help but let out a frustrated moan. Your eyes darted to the stands above, catching the eye of someone who was currently looking at the court with admire visible in his eyes. It made you curious what could possibly make him like that. You followed his gaze and fell to Ushijima Wakatoshi, making you pout even more.

You just didn't know that the two of them would fight together in the same court.

Your eyes fall to the scoreboard once again, eyes scanning to your teammates. They need a great strategy to win this set. You are so tense right now, too focused on your team that you didn't realize someone was walking towards you.

You jolted when your shoulders were being gripped. But then you knew the warm hands, you knew who it was without the need to turn your head around. You just put one of your hands on top of his, caressing it as the figure massages your shoulders gently.

"You are too tense, (Y/n)-chan!" Oikawa's voice rang, making everyone around you take one step backward from the two of you. It's surprising to see the grand king standing there on Karasuno's stands. You turned to your side and found Yachi with a shocked expression, "Oh, I am sorry guys! I will leave once I calmed down my girlfriend right here!"

"T-Tooru!" Blush spread around your face. It's still so foreign, girlfriend. It's been so long since the last time he called you like that. But it made you smile nevertheless, you feel like you were coming back home.

Your boyfriend kept massaging you, soothing the tensed muscle on your shoulders. Once done, he wrapped his arms around your neck, kissing the crown of your head from behind. He always loves PDA, showing the world that you were his. No matter how many matches that he lost, he couldn't bear the thought of losing you. He felt it once, he didn't want to feel it again.

Ushijima currently gulped down the mineral water, but he ended up choking when his eyes darted to the Karasuno stands. He was sure he didn't expect to see the sight in front of him. Tendou and Semi walked up to him, realizing how their ace became so tense all of a sudden.

The dark olive-brown haired boy was now glaring at the two, more like glaring at the setter of Aobajohsai. Oikawa noticed the glare while you solely focused on your teammates. Seeing the expression on the ace's face, your boyfriend decided to tighten his embrace, making you laugh at the process.

At first, Oikawa only wanted to show Ushijima that you belonged to him. But when he heard you laugh, it's like all of the bad intentions on his head evaporated into the thin air. He was now only focused on the girl in front of him, you. It was scary how someone could hold his heart like that, but it's just felt so natural since the first time he knew you.

"I will go back to my seat now," In the middle of the match, he suddenly announced it. And it made you pouted a little at this, "Oh come on, now! Don't give me that look~!" He whined, making you chuckled at his childish intonation.

"Okay, okay! Go!" You kissed his cheek before waving at him. Now your eyes were back to the court, and Karasuno only lost one point to Shiratorizawa. It was now Ushijima's time to serve, he looked a little bit annoyed by something, pounding the ball numerous times to the court before catching it to his hand.

The serve could be touched by Azumane, but it's too powerful that it bounds to the back. Ushijima makes a point by it, and you know your team wouldn't let him do it again for the second time. And your sense was right, Sawamura could receive it and send it to Kageyama. Your team middle blocker, Tsukishima got the toss from the setter and made a point to Karasuno.

But what happened after that one shocked you. Tsukishima was the one who served, and Goshiki from Shiratorizawa could receive it. Your eyes focused on Hinata as he ran from the back to the front, jumping so high that he could block Shiratorizawa's spike. Pride engulfed your heart as you saw the scene unfolded in front of you.

"Oh, you are here." The ace of Aobajohsai was now standing behind the brunette setter. Oikawa jolted when he heard the familiar voice, "I thought you are not going to be here since no matter who won, you will still pissed about it." The setter was now calmed down and stretched his leg to the front.

"Well, but I could see the other's face as they lose though!" It was a shitty reason, but deep down, he knew who he rooted in this match. Iwaizumi scanned the court and Karasuno's stand, smiling when he saw you standing there as you cheered when Karasuno scored a point.

"She looks good," Iwaizumi meant it platonically since you were like a sister to him. But Oikawa pouted and smacked his arms, "Hoi! You know I didn't mean it in that way! She's all yours." The ace remarked and winced at how forceful his best friend could be, "Have you told her?"

"W-What?" Oikawa knew what the ace meant by that question. He could only let out a long sigh by that, "I-I am not ready to tell her." Iwaizumi huffed at the response, knowing that the news will bring a big obstacle to the relationship between you and his best friend.

"Just," He let out a sigh, "Just tell her as fast as you can."

Point after point has been made by the two teams, and now you were gritting your teeth as you saw that both teams were now in setpoint, making a deuce, which means that the team who could gain two points in a row will win the set. Karasuno could gain the first point, but then Ushijima was now the one who did the serve.

The first serve was unpredictable, since the ball fell right in front of the net, Karasuno court. You pulled your hair out of frustration, but then you remember that you need to believe in your team. The second serve was powerful and directed right near the outline of the court. But Nishinoya received it even though the ball fell again to Shiratorizawa's side.

Karasuno was now hit 27 scores, it was a painful score for the opponent, since the ball that they blocked caused it to be out, making the score to fall for Karasuno. Kageyama did the serve, if your team could make a cut out of it, they will have a chance to continue to the nationals. Shiratorizawa could receive the serve, and now the ball fell to Karasuno's side.

"CHANCE BALL!" This is it, the chance. Everything feels like it goes in slow motion as Kageyama tosses the ball to Hinata, too low, the ball is too low. Goshiki and Tendou jumped to block Hinata's attack, and there's no room for him to spike the ball. But then, Hinata is a miracle after all. He spiked the ball with his left hand instead, even though his body jumped to the right.

And just like that, the fourth set was won by Karasuno.

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