20 | Wondering the Future

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

You opened up your eyes, groggily searching for your phone to turn the alarm off. The sun is not up yet by the time you wake up. You sat down on your bed and yawned, not really a pleasant sight actually. It's five in the morning right now as you wake everyone up by tagging them on the group chat.

But then, something is missing.

Your eyes bore to the empty bed beside you, eyebrow raised because of confusion. You slipped your feet on the slippers, searching for someone. Calling out his name, you seek the entire second floor to find nothing.

It's the first time you sleep together with your boyfriend, a little frown created on your face as you think for any kind of possibilities. You stride downstairs, hearing some ruckus in the kitchen. Oikawa Tooru can't cook, so the possibility about him cooking on your kitchen scared you.

"Oh my god! Why you didn't want to cooperate with me, you little pan!" You could hear his whined a few steps before the kitchen. The sight that welcomed you on the kitchen warmed your heart. Your boyfriend squat down to grab the fallen pan, "If you wake up my queen, you are death, little pan!"

"Aren't you the one who made it falls, dear?" Oikawa flinched when he heard your voice. He turned his head to take a look at you. Since he woke up an hour ago, he didn't know either he should sleep again and wake up with you, or surprising you with his cooking. Something that he believes improves quite a lot since junior high.

"Oh, uhm... About that-" He let out an awkward chuckle while scratching his cheek a little, "I make you breakfast!" Because you are too absorbed with him, you didn't realise a perfect set of breakfast arranged neatly on the kitchen island.

"Tooru, you made all of this?" You widened your eyes and walked fast towards the food. There's a bowl of hot miso soup and tamagoyaki that cooked perfectly with a little green to add the flavour. Your boyfriend nodded timidly, "Let's eat together then!"

You spend a little bit of time that the world has the offer to spend time with your boyfriend. Oikawa's cooking definitely improved, something simple, but you really proud of the achievement. After eating breakfast with him, he offered to help you by making the onigiri for your team.

Not like when you two were together before, he has matured well by time. He didn't act childish entirely and just became the real him that you could only saw the glimpse of it before. He asked about your statistic and added some more information here and there. Both of you finished the onigiri twenty minutes before you are supposed to go.

You took a shower on your bedroom while Oikawa took one on the guest bathroom. With the water pouring down your skin, it brought you to think about what will happen after he graduates from Aobajohsai. No matter what he wants, you will support it, that's what you have promised yourself.

Oikawa is a man of wonder. You will never know what step that he will take. Even when you have been together for years, it's like he creates his own pattern. Jumping here and there with no one could catch him up. After pondering with thought, you turned off the shower and went out. Brushing your hair in front of the mirror.

You might not know what will happen in the future, and nothing will make you prepared for it. But as you see yourself in the mirror, you know you don't want to spend a day without him. So you smiled, and promise to yourself,

No matter where he goes, you will follow him.

"(Y/n)-chan! I will be waiting outside." Oikawa wore his shoes and tightened his long blue coat. You still grab the meal and checking your house one more time after getting dressed. The captain of Aobajohsai checking his glasses that seethed inside his pocket, he wouldn't get to see anything if he forgot to bring it.

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