5 | Triple Goddess

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Everyone's ready for the final exams. Or at least that's what they all said to you. Now you currently walking down the hallway and found yourself in front of Yachi Hitoka's classroom.

"Hello, I am looking for Yachi Hitoka." You grab the attention from the entire classroom. One of the girls with blonde hair and brown eyes shuddered at the thought that someone was looking for her.

"Y-yes? Are you l-looking for me, s-senpai?" Hearing the nickname, you giggled at her nervousness.

"I am sorry, but I am a first-year like you!" You smiled at her, "Hinata said thank you for the notebook." Putting a book on her hand, you leaned in and whispered at her, "He couldn't wait to see you as the manager, Yacchan."

She gets flustered after your little confession and bowed her head repeatedly. Just by making a conversation with her, you are sure she will be a great addition to the manager's team.

You know the shy girl from Hinata, she's smart and actually have a great personality. After Shimizu's graduation, you need another manager to be your partner. This is why you agreed to search for another one.

And so, you were right. Yachi timid personality could really balance out the managers. Shimizu calmed and composed demeanour, your cheery and somehow mature personality, then Yachi cuteness and innocent vibes.

After days trying to make her be the manager, she finally agreed and got her own Karasuno's jacket.

It's finally the day when everyone received their score. You were so happy to know that Nishinoya and Tanaka could pass the test, even though their score barely passed the test.

But when you saw two certain freaks sat on the ground and wouldn't look up, you knew something was up. Sighing, you kneeled down in front of them and patted their head gently.

"There, there..." Hinata sobbed from your kind gesture, "Both of you were great! The only thing that stopped you from a high score is precision. Beside that? You were great!"

"HUWAAAAAAA, (Y/n)-san!" Hinata cried hard, and you hug him on the process, "I am sorry I have failed you! All of you!" Your son was now crying, you couldn't bear the sight to see him like this.

"You guys only failed on one subject, right?" Sugawara asked, "If you could finish it by the morning, both of you could catch up to the camp." Hearing that, Kageyama eyes suddenly on fire, "Though, I don't know how you will get there since we left early."

"Come on, Hinata! We need to think about how we were going to go to Tokyo!" Kageyama shouted beside you, a determination could be seen in his eyes, "Should we walk? Run? Maybe a bicycle?" Hinata stopped crying and nodded vigorously.

"H-hey, isn't that too extreme?!" You exclaimed. It took around six hours to go to Tokyo from Miyagi by car after all.

"About that, I think I could help with it." Tanaka appeared behind all of you. Knowing Tanaka, you knew that something is going to happen. You couldn't wait for it.


The day that everyone's has been waiting for finally came. You couldn't sleep, giddy to meet again with some of your friends. Your cousin was already there and couldn't stop bothering you with questions.

Though you promise yourself not to sleep, you somehow falling asleep on one of the boys. That boy turns out to be Sugawara, he almost cried at this. You could faintly hear him asked the others to take a picture of you.

He tried to be still, didn't want to wake you up in the process. But luck apparently tried to make fun of him since the road is bumpy and it woke you up.

Realising what happened, you tried to apologize to him and bowed your head multiple times. Even though you didn't have a boyfriend, somehow being too close with a guy made you feel guilty.

Six hours had passed, now here you are standing in Tokyo. You like how the most buzzing city in Japan still have the suburbs area where everything's calmed.

You and Yachi checked for the supplies and other necessity before catching up with the others.

"Yacchan, let's change our clothes first before heading out to the court." You put your bag near the futon.

"Is it okay? Aren't we need to go to Shimizu-senpai?" Yachi tilted her head, afraid to do something wrong.

"Actually, Kiyoko-senpai is the one who initiated it. I am going to change." You take off your clothes immediately, leaving the poor girl flustered at the sight. You have eleven line abs and tight muscle on your arms and legs.

Today you decided to wear black baggy exercise pants and a white t-shirt with a pocket on your left side of the chest. You didn't forget to tighten Karasuno's jacket around your waist and grab your tablet.

"Are you ready, Ya-" When you turned to take a look at her, she's long gone, "YACCHAN!"

After fanning her with your hands, she finally woke up and changed her clothes. While waiting, you received a message from Hinata.

From: Orenji Child
Take a look at this!

There, Hinata attached a picture of sleeping Kageyama. You burst out laughing, startled the poor girl once again. You decided to show her what made you laughed.

"Oh, is that..." Yachi squinted her eyes and take a closer look, "Kageyama?!" She gasped and giggled a little. The one oh so-called king was now sleeping like a baby while muttering something in his sleep.

After squealing over the picture, both of you regained your composure and walked to the court. When you walked through the door, Nekoma currently has a match with Fukurodani. You smirked at this.

"Now, this is what I am talking about." Yachi jerked after hearing your voice. You walking around the court and wrote down anything new that you could found while Yachi stayed with Shimizu.

Your ears perked up at the insulted that you could hear about Karasuno, making you clenched your fist for a while before continuing your journey.

Suddenly, a booming voice belongs to a woman could be heard from the main door. You smirked, knowing who will be going through the door in any second.

"So... The stars decided to be fashionably late, huh?" Kuroo, the captain of Nekoma voiced his remark. There on the door, stood Kageyama and Hinata. The orange skies embellished their entrance.

You walked towards them with a smile on your face. Then you smacked their back, hard.

"Go change your clothes and come back in ten!" 

"A-aye, sir!" "We will!"

That night, you are almost satisfied with how everything turned out at the end of the day. With Kageyama and Hinata, Karasuno could change the tide and win the match.

The last match of today is Nekoma versus Ubugawa. The newest member from Nekoma's team had an enormous body. With 190cm height, he looked like a giant. You noted to yourself to search more about this boy.

"Haiba Lev." You turned to the left to see Kuroo, "Good evening, young lady." Hearing that annoyed you a little.

"Do you need anything?" You closed your tablet and turned your body to his, "If not, I am going to help the other manager prepare the dinner." It's not like you hate to befriend with him, but something in his eyes doesn't feel right.

"Go ahead, go ahead." He made a way for you, "Don't let a cat stop you." He smirked, you don't know his intention and you only nodded. His eyes never leave your frame until you disappeared from the court.

"Hoi! Hoi! Why are you checking out my cousin?!" Kuroo choked on air when he heard Bokuto screamed at him, "No funny business with her! I wouldn't allow you!"

"You don't know her, Kuroo?" Yaku gulped down his mineral water, "She's that Goddess of Support from Kitagawa Daiichi. I am surprised you didn't know about her."

"Oh, I know." Kuroo smirked, "She's the queen for the almighty Grand King, right?" His hazel coloured eyes looked intimidating, "This is going to be fun." 

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