Chapter Three

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Sara's Pov
I kept my arms folded across my chest leaning against the tree. I was confused but I needed to do something instead of laying around like I was dead.

Most of the time my body felt like it wasn't my own since I was always wincing in pain.

After a while, I just assumed I did some damage to my body. But I like watching Sasuke and his teammate's train with one another. Karin was something else. She was always glaring at me quite a lot, Suigetsu was funny and always made me laugh when I felt down or just alone when Sasuke was gone.

Jugo would get me books and what not to keep me busy. I cracked a small smile quickly avoiding the contact when I grew shy watching Sasuke taking off his whole top kimono exposing his chest covered in sweat. I then looked up when I felt my chin was being lifted up Sasuke let a soft chuckle out and pecked my lips.

"Don't be so shy, you've seen it a few times baby." I quickly waved my hand off, my lips still tingling.

"I know I know." He smiled at me before he wrapped his arms around my side and fully kissed me shocking me just a bit but I slowly returned the kiss gripping the sides of his face leaning up to kiss him more.

I heard the loudest growl from somewhere but choice to ignore it. By the time we pulled away, I was flustered and breathless a small string of saliva connected us.

Sasuke pressed his forehead on mine. "I love you Sara and I always will." He whispered. I cracked another shy smile letting my warm soft hands trade his exposed chest.

"I love you too Sasuke always," I whispered. After a few more sweet touches and whatnot. I let them to train wandering through the forest with my thoughts. Sometimes I just needed to be on my own.

I curled up on the grass by a tree truck base the pain traveling through my neck all of a sudden before I was able to hide it so well, but today something was different. Sasuke's name was in my mind, but so was this other name it was just as deep as Sasuke's name.

My breath started to grow uneven and my chest grew heavy "Naruto." I whispered out and I let a small gasp out little images flashing through my head.

"I know it's hard to believe someone like me, could love someone like you, but I do Sara, I wanna take care of you, protect you." I felt soft lips being pressed into mine in a soft firm kiss, and I was pressed into a body.

My lips moved on their own and I kept kissing him deeply gripping onto his shirt afraid to let go "Naruto I know I love you, I feel it for you every day."

"Naruto! Naruto! Naruto!" The pain soared through my body and I curled up even more. "Sara! Hold still it's gonna be okay." I heard Suigetsu calling out to me holding my shoulders.

"Where's Naruto." I cried quietly hiding my head on the dirt. "I want Naruto," I whispered out still shaking. "What's going on what happened to her," Sasuke demanded I heard him landing near me and I cried harder.

Why were these thoughts in my mind? They weren't mine... They couldn't be. "She's saying Naruto's name your mark is fading you need to do something about this." I heard a rough intake before I felt I was picked up.

"Hey baby look at me it's gonna be alright yeah? Focus on me." I struggled to open my eyes a few times before I was gazing into Sasuke's concerned eyes.

"I know it hurts but you have to trust me okay, I'm gonna make the pain go away." All I did was nod my head weakly wanting the pain to face from my body. Sasuke lifted me up with ease and I felt him lower his head towards my neck before I felt him biting into something on my neck.

I felt a deep rush of pain, but it wasn't a death pain. I hid my head some more before all I was feeling was a cold rushing through my body. Sasuke pulled his head back licking away the blood from his lips and gazed at me.

"Is that better?" He asked me. I slowly nodded my head the thoughts slowly fading yet again like any cloud would. "Take her back for me," Sasuke ordered Suigetsu who nodded.

Sasuke slowly set me down and Suigetsu grabbed my hand gently urging me with him. I slowly held my neck were Sasuke had bit it. I felt back to my normal self but now the name was stuck inside my head greatly. Naruto just who are you?

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