Chapter Four

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Sara's Pov
It was hard to sleep at night sometimes, lying wide awake in the middle of the night. a low groan escaped passed my lips when I stared up at the ceiling of the bedroom in the inn. Sasuke always could sleep easily. It was he was either sleeping easily or wide awake at night pacing around.

After a few more tosses and turns I groaned slowly sitting up the blanket falling off me a little, but I made sure it stayed out on Sasuke his pale skin being lightened up by the moonlight. It brought my heavy mind to a month ago. Sasuke hasn't once mentioned the name Naruto but it was so strange how I remember the name so vividly.

But also my heavy mind would barely let the name pass through my thoughts before the pain took over. I shook the thoughts away pressing my cold palm against my forehead and I slowly looked when I saw Sasuke shifting around before his tired groans were heard and his eyes fluttered open.

"Sara? You can't sleep?" He mumbled slowly sitting up. I gave him a soft reassuring smile "I just need to take a breather that's all." I answered quietly still running my hand across my temple. Sasuke hummed quietly and he moved so he was leaning on the headboard. I felt his hands slowly rubbing a gentle pattern on my back and I hummed in content.

I moved back so I was laying my head on his shoulder and Sasuke fully brought towards were I was sitting in his lap. My head resting on his neck. I felt at an ease content feeling with his fingers gently going across my back with a soft pitter-pat to them.

"Sara," Sasuke whispered quietly and I hummed telling him I was listening. "You do love me don't you?" He whispered to me. I lifted my head up for just a small moment and nodded my head nice and slow.

"Of course I do Sasuke. I'll do anything for you." I mumbled, looking deep into his eyes. It was really hard to tell what he was thinking at all times. He slowly cupped my face and leaned his forehead on mine.

"Anything?" I slowly nodded my head again my fingers slowly tracing his skin my palm moving slowly. Sasuke then brushed his lips across my own, and slide his arms to wrap around my waist bringing me closer to him.

"Have my children Sara.... bare me children and be their mother and be my wife... Tonight let's make a baby."

Two Months Later
"Oh my god, how long is this gonna take Karin I have stuff to do!" I blinked in confusion looking between everyone. Karin was literally shooting Sasuke, Suigetsu and Jugo the deepest glares. I wasn't too sure why. But I know they were rushing her.

"Okay, first off Suigetsu you don't have to be here! Second, the only male who should be here is Sasuke." I breathed out a giggle seeing Sasuke slowly sigh annoyed.

"We wanna know about the baby too," Jugo grumbled. Karin grumbled and looked back at me.  "Sara did you drink that drink I made? It will help me a little better." I gave Karin a head nod glancing down at my stomach a little.

It was not small like it use to, but it wasn't huge either. I then watched as a slow blueish-green just flew from Karin's hands and towards my stomach and we all watched her shut her eyes focused.

"Is the baby okay?" Sasuke quickly asked moving a little closer towards me kissing my head.  "Sasuke you can't rush me okay." Karin muttered. I looked up at Sasuke who just nodded his head and I gazed at Karin when her eyes snapped open.

"Well looks like the baby is fine. You only are two months or so. So not much movements will be happening, but it is growing Sara congratulations." She gave me a soft look, but there seemed to be something shifting in her eyes.

Sasuke looked more relieved now and he looked at me with a smile. I smiled but watched Karin shoo all of them out of the room, quickly she slammed the door shut and rushed back over to me.

"Hey, Sara listen to me okay." Karin mumbled gazing at me softly before she sat down next to me. "Look at what Sasuke has done to you. " She slowly whispered in disbelief. "He has made you a tool of his own madness. A breeding tool, he is controlling you like a puppet master." She gently grabbed my hands.

I looked at her. "But Karin I'm suppose to make him happy," I muttered. Karin peered at me from the edge of her glasses scoffing.

"Nothing is gonna make him happy! He's going on this huge revenge mission with us along with it. But I draw the line when he told us he was gonna breed you." I slowly rubbed my hands along my pants a bit looking at Karin more.

"I didn't wanna say much when he was here, but he managed to give you twins Sara. There isn't just one baby, there's two." She told me softly. I looked at her again my eyes going wide. "T-two," I whispered in shock.

"I wanna sneak you out of here so badly... I'm scared to know what is gonna happen when you give birth, is he gonna kill you." Karin started whispering to herself.

"I just... I know he loves you in his own way, and you love him, but I'm gonna keep you away from him, just for a few weeks okay. Just until I have a plan." I looked at Karin some more my hands going straight to my stomach.

I did love Sasuke. I wanted to do anything to please him... But then my thoughts went to Naruto. I loved him though. I know I did because it seemed right.

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