Chapter Eight

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Sara's Pov
I felt uneasy and for the first time in my life I felt so useless, I couldn't jump in with the fear of hurting the babies, but I knew I couldn't stand here and have the two fighting like this. Not when Sasuke is still wanted by the village.

Sasuke smirked at the sight of Naruto and in a very fast flash instantly he had teleported in front of Naruto pushing me behind him.

"So Naruto, I wasn't expecting our meeting to be so soon, then again. You've always been one with a goal in set." Naruto scoffed and pushed Sasuke's hand away from him.

"Stop the bullshit Sasuke, when are you gonna stop this nonsense and come home where you belong." Sasuke smirked and chuckled.

"Come home? The leaf was never my home Naruto you would have been better off leaving as well, but now Sara will be looked down on just like us huh? Pregnant by the enemy with twins." I shot Sasuke a glare.

"Sasuke you-" I groaned when the pain started to form on my neck, my hand shooting out to feel the make throbbing.

"Be quiet Sara." I glared almost falling to my knees at the pain.

"Leave her alone! Alright you wanna cause pain, I'm right here Sasuke you did what you wanted stop fucking touching her."

Naruto growled out his eyes flashed red so fast. God damn it Sara fight the freaking mark. I gritted my teeth.

All along I knew I could take one thing precious from you, she isn't yours anymore!"

"Sasuke why the hell would you do this!"

"Sara isn't yours she's now mine."

"She isn't a damn toy Sasuke you asshole! She's a human being, she's our teammate our friend... She showed me love and you did this for what!" Naruto shouted Sara your damn chakra. I quickly used all the chakra in my body summoning it up.

I created a huge orb of chakra shooting it out. I slammed both Sasuke and Naruto away from one another both of them landing on a couple of trees roughly.

"Stop it! I've told you both before I'm not worth fighting over! are you both crazy!" I shouted lowering my hand down I inhaled roughly this sharp pain traveling across my gut. And a very hard gasp I quickly held my bump a little this pain was a lot different from kicks.

It felt like my body was on fire. "Sara! What's wrong?!" I hissed out a little feeling someone was rushing over towards me quite fast. I felt both Sasuke and Naruto where staring down at me in confusion.

"Move both of you. " I heard a stern voice I flicked my eyes over to Kakashi sensei watching him kneel down placing his gloves hand on my bump lifting his headband up a bit.

"Is it your bump?" He questioned to me.

"It hurts." I grunted out roughly. Kakashi sensei huffed and looked up.

"I don't even wanna question why Sasuke is here, you both love her right!" He shouted making the both of them jump and look at one another.

"Yeah.." Naruto trailed off.

"Yeah." Sasuke grumbled.

"Well you two idiots pushed her into early labor, Sai go get lady Tsunade now, Sasuke I don't care you can stay for the birth but you gotta leave after cause they will arrest you."

"I don't care need to be there for her."

"Its your fault anyway."

"Shut up both of you."

The pain that I felt was something indescribable but because it was twins and they were a little early, it took Lady Tsunade and quite a few other medical ninjas to complete the birth. But after some long stressful hours I held two little snoring cuties in awe.

"Well Sara you gave birth to two twin boys, congratulations you did good." I looked up when Kakashi Sensei gazed at me rubbing at my shoulders slowly. I gulped a little staring at the two blue buddles.

"Are Sasuke and Naruto gonna be okay?" I asked gently nodding my head over towards the two who were passed out sleeping on a hospital bed, but Naruto suddenly shoved Sasuke off making him land on the floor. I winced.

"I think that was Naruto's first time seeing more then just females boobs." Kakashi Sensei sighed rolling his eye he sat down next to me.

"Congrats Sara what are you gonna name them?" Sakura questioned walking near me. I gazed at them both fully listening to Naruto's loud snoring and Sasuke's as well knowing, he was gonna see them for a bit but then leave again, but then Naruto has always been there for me.

Knowing both these two loved me for different reasons. I nibbled at my lower lip before nodding at them each a soft smile on my lips.

"This one is Naru Uchiha, and the other is Saichi Uchiha." I whispered watching Kakashi Sensei closely he chuckled turning back to face the two.

"Even after all this time they are in competition with one another, consider yourself very lucky Sara, that nothing bad happened to those babies, from now on you're taking a break from activities that includes the Akatsuki business.  Leave it to us you have a new duty you need to have with these two mom duty." I chuckled gently and bowed my head lightly.

"Yes sir... I'll do my best." Kakashi grinned.

"I can already hear Naruto's voice you named one of the twins after me Sara! I'm gonna cry." Kakashi Sensei whipped his book out making me cough out a very tiny laugh sighing deeply.

"Well he did also shove a ring on my finger before he passed out I guess I'll never know will I Kakashi Sensei?"

"Have two husbands and call it even they secretly love each other too."

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