Chapter Seven

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Sara's Pov
I still felt a little uncomfortable and at ease at the very same time if that made any sense at all.

Apart of me felt like I was putting the entire village at danger and at risk with so much stuff happening all around at once It was hard to keep track of all of it really. But after a couple days Naruto was letting me stay in his apartment.

He still was the same as I could remember and was messy. I was messing with my hair deeply gazing at Naruto.   Both of us having the deepest staring contest.

There was nothing to do when I wasn't allowed to do missions and Naruto wasn't doing any at the moment before I cracked a smile when Naruto blinked those bright blues of his.

"Damn." He muttered sighing chuckling leaning back on his hand. "I win," I muttered watching him crack a grin.

"Sara I know you hide a lot of things in front of all our friends so tell it to me straight, how are you really feeling." I found myself pressing my hands into the floorboards ranking my head for what was really.

"Well if I'm honest I feel sort of heavy you know." I joked watching Naruto crack a grin laughing quietly.

"Twins... yeah I never imagined at sixteen twins. When they are older it's gonna be hard to explain a lot of things." I trailed off.

"I don't know what I feel for Sasuke really... I never really thought of him in a romantic way before, nor did he ever show advances towards me." Naruto was frowning up a large storm for just a moment.

"It wasn't for you Sara... He did it to hurt one person... And I should have never told him." I stared at Naruto in confusion.

"I... I don't understand."  I stammer.

"Sasuke doesn't care about anything and when we were younger when we fought he told me he was gonna take something from me that would destroy me and he did that, Sara he did it to hurt me because I'm in love with you, marrying you, knocking you up he knew that doing that you would always have a piece of him... And he maybe my friend but I'm never gonna forgive him for this!"

My eyes stayed wide the entire time and Naruto quickly slammed his hand over his mouth.

"Damn it..."

Needing some time to myself, I found myself at the training grounds sitting on the ground a little trying to recall and piece together everything I could.

What was it about me? I wasn't even that special! Growing up I was quiet, I would just observe everything. Sure I had like a crush on Sasuke but every girl our age did. Sakura declared anyone who liked him her rival, and since arriving back all she's done is called me a slut.

I sighed resting my body back into the grass placing my free hand on my large bump rubbing it.

"Why is life so damn confusing," I muttered shutting my eyes after a minute. No adult was really that much help, except for maybe Guy Sensei and Jiraya. Even Kakashi Sensei just told me guys were confusing.

I laid there what seemed like forever just letting my thoughts drift between Naruto and Sasuke. Obviously, the better choice between those two was Naruto like without a doubt, but then my expression grew.

Oh my God Hinata... Fuck she is madly in love with him. I'm a terrible friend. I groaned holding my palms across my face.

"This is too much stress over my boys? Two boys." I muttered into my palms. When I reopened my eyes I was startled to see two eyes peering down at me. I saw a small smirk and I gasp but he quickly placed his hand over my mouth.

"Sara be quiet, don't wanna wake the whole village." I fluttered my eyes a few times seeing him crack a grin at me.

"Boo... Thought you could get too far from me, this is my home too you know." He muttered shaking his black hair out.

"Sasuke..?" I muttered into his palm. "Karen can be smart... When she wants to be, but I'm not a complete idiot, get up." He muttered helping me sit up.

I sighed standing up. So much for peace and quiet, I thought.

"How much did she tell you?" Sasuke folded his arms across his chest.

"Just enough for me to know you are carrying twins. " I sighed yet again.

"Why did you think playing mind tricks on me Sasuke, when we were younger you showed no interest at all." Sasuke sighed.

"Okay, we can talk about this if you come with me." I shook my head pointing at the mark on my neck.

"What about this? How come it wasn't Sakura! Or Ino!" Sasuke looked to be really shocked.

"They are both annoying... Listen Sara just come with me, don't make me just give you another mark." He stepped towards me but then sighed deeply rubbing at his temple.

"Damn... And I was hoping to go unseen." I spun around a little startled to see Naruto was glaring quite deeply at Sasuke.


"Naruto hmmm all along I knew I could take one thing precious from you, she isn't yours anymore."

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