Chapter Five

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Sara's Pov
"I mean if Karin have her back by at least dark." The loudest scoff escaped the red head girl while she moved around packing a little bag up, for this small little trip out into the town. My hand constantly was rubbing at the bump a little finding comfort it in, my neck throbbing.

"Sasuke she is pregnant and all this moving around is putting stress on her body, she needs to rest in one place for a bit." I listened to Karin seeing a small shift in her eyes when she spoke. "Don't tell me what I am doing wrong. " I quickly cleared my throat catching his attention.

"Sasuke... I would like to go if it's okay." I stammered. His eyes shifted just a bit before he came over and pressed a couple of kisses to the side of my face.  "You are my wife Sara and I just wanna make sure you and our child are safe, I don't mind if you go just as long as Karin makes sure you are safe." I gave him a grateful smile and quickly hugged him happily feeling him returning the hug stroking my sides a little.

"Alright we are gonna get going! Come on Sara." I pulled away from the hug giving Sasuke one big kiss on his lips which he returned taking Karin's hand following after her with a soft smile.

The rest of the day carried out pretty normal with Karin she took me to a huge spa area were we bathed and talked she even brought me new clothes before we were resting on a bench and she was examining me.

"Tilt your head for me Sara?" She gave me a small smile and I nodded my head for her feeling her finger tips mess with something "Damn this mark is really permanent, but it's worth a shot, listen very carefully to me." I gave her a firm head nod.

"This will buy you quite some time Sara you'll be able to get away for a while, I'm gonna lie to Sasuke and say we were ambushed and you were kidnapped by rouge ninjas, he has a mark on your neck this isn't a normal way for you and these twins to live." I blinked my eyes in confusion, the familiar throb on my neck remembering the name Naruto.

"But won't Sasuke be mad Karin he gets upset when I leave just for an hour. I don't wanna be alone." I stammered out. Her eyes read a lot of sadness.

"He is gonna be mad, but at me mostly, Sara you're gonna be confused for a while but everything you'll need is in this bag, medicine, money for inns, you have to get away while you can we aren't that far from the sand, I know you know someone, you have to be strong and I pray he won't find you." I felt a heaviness in my heart, but I listened to her nodding my head deeply.

She pressed her hand on my neck and once again the deepest pain soared through my neck like hot fire, she pulled her hand away and handed me the bag which I took the sudden dizziness washing from my head.

"Good luck Sara." She flashed me a smile squeezing my hands pressing her hand to her cheek I watched these little bruised flick all over her pale face before she helped me up, and all these thoughts suddenly rushed through my head making me groan fast and hold my head.

When I looked around, everything came rushing back to me so fast. I wasn't supposed to be here... Where the hell is Kakashi? Naruto... Sakura.

I had been walking for what seemed like days now. Everything came back to me so quickly... I was sixteen and pregnant by Sasuke Uchiha ultimately he was the first guy I had a crush on. But that all changed when Ino and Sakura threatened me.

It was then me and Naruto shared a few moments and even back before he left for two years, we kissed.. I was so confused about everything why did Sasuke want me? When I meant nothing really to him?

I remember everything Karin told me. From the twins, that Sasuke had an obsession with me. I wanted to go back home... I felt like I wasn't in control of myself. I looked out the window of the inn wiping the stray tears away fast. Inhaling I took another glance at my bulging bump.

I felt so lost and still at the same time I felt like I needed to go back to Sasuke even after all the messed up stuff he did to me manipulated me. I glanced at the ring on my finger in so much confusion. When did this even happen... I got married to him.

A new fresh built of tears left me. I squeezed my eyes shut and slammed the window shut the dark scaring me. Sasuke would find me again, I know he could or he wouldn't me go.

Either way... There was two lives on the way growing. I slowly sat on the floor looking around the bedroom letting my head fall back to rest on the wall behind me. I was claimed by Sasuke Uchiha and there was nothing I could do to escape him. The more I fought it, the more the mark on my neck glowed.

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