Chapter Nine

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Sara's Pov
Wow... I knew babies were really small but actually staring down at two little ones that come from my body were a little different. I peered my round eyes down into the little cribs, my hand reaching down to stroke at the small little bits of black hair, listening to the small snores escaping from them. I cracked a grin, but I looked up for a moment.

"You are suppose to be resting." I turned my attention to Sasuke for a brief minute.

"Can't sleep, I'm shocked that you haven't left yet." I heard him scoff out slightly before he was standing near me also looking down at the cribs.

"Just needed to make sure you three are okay, before I leave I can't stay here even if I wanted to." I stared at Sasuke some bits, my fingers moving to ruffle at my curls.

"No I know you can't, you'll be thrown in a cell right away, go Sasuke I know." His bored like eyes stared at me but a small little squeak left me feeling him press a kiss onto my forehead.

"Take care for me, them too.. And please look after Naruto too." He pulled away for just a moment and in that spilt moment I saw the emotion in his eyes.

"You know I will." I told him gently seeing him crack a light smile before he leaned over the cribs kissing both their heads.

"Take care of your mom for me yeah.. Will meet again some day."

"That fucking ass, only he would impregnate you and then leave after you give birth." A small snort escape from me glancing down at Naru who was looking around with curious eyes, Naruto didn't seem to freak out all that much while holding Saichi who was cooing holding onto Naruto's fingers while he held him close to his chest.

"Naruto, it's Sasuke we are talking about you shouldn't be that shocked." I shook with small laughter watching his messy blonde hair as he leaned back a little in the chair.

"What did he say to you before he left Naruto?" I was curious seeing Naruto looked so caught up that his words got stuck in his throat, his face turned a very bright shade of red before he gulped.

"He told me to take care of you, like I haven't already been doing that, something about us all being together then he kissed me and left." I started laughing quietly since Naruto seemed so shy from exclaiming it out.

"He was your first kiss back when we were younger, how cute." He just started whining out huffing a little.

"Anyways... Really Sara you need to rest, being a mother alone is hard, but to twins? That's even more stress." Naruto's soft blue eyes glanced down to smile even more.

"They are so beautiful, and of course I'm gonna help you take care of them! But for now I gotta take care of the Akatsuki. But I think Sai should be coming in!" I grinned at how he could still be so excited about everything even with the bad, it's one thing to love about Naruto.

"Sakura still mad?" I questioned Naruto scoffed a small nod given in my direction.

"Yeah but let her be, I care about her but man she whines a lot." I giggled loudly, yet my eyes watched Lady Tsunade enter the room, with Sai following behind.

"Hello Sara, I hope you've been resting." He spoke to me gently smiling faintly he sat down in the other chair near me.

"I've been resting the best I can thank you Sai." He bowed his head slightly at me.

"Just came to do a small body check up on you Sara, to me it looks like you are healing." She studied me before she looked at Sai who nodded holding out his arms to hold Naru which I carefully placed him in his arms.

Her hands instantly touched at my breast which seemed to make Naruto have the deepest mini freak.

"Hey Granny! watch your freaking hands! you have your own melons." I held back my laughter sinking my teeth into my bottom lip.

"Hush up you brat!" She snapped out before I finally was able to speak.

"She's checking to see if the milk is producing right in my boobs Naruto." I answered seeing him look even more confused then before.

"You have milk in them? Is that why they are bigger then they ever were." His eyes were so wide and even his jaw was dropped.

"Naruto you are such an idiot, this is coming from the boy who passed out while she was giving birth."

"Hey shut the hell up Sai! You weren't in here you didn't see the blood and how it was stretching  I thought she was gonna rip okay! Maybe get a girlfriend then come talk to me!"

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