Chapter Six

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Sara's Pov
Weakly my fingers played with the ring on my finger in the deepest bit of thought.  The ring seemed so expensive many diamonds shining and shifting in the sunlight ever so slightly.

I suppose you can say I wasn't too use to the hottest weather here of the village of Sand, but with all my memories back and my regulation of everything that's been going on, being here with Gaara was all I needed right now.

Gaara was very much startled to see me and even let me stay for as long as I needed. Yet the mark on my neck seemed to grow stronger with the connection of needing to go back to Sasuke.

I looked over my shoulder relaxing a little when Gaara sat down next to me offering me a gentle smile. "How are you and the twins holding up?"

I glanced down at my stomach and lightly tapped my fingers across my belly getting two kicks in response after a minute making me faintly smile.

"They are growing." I chuckled letting my eyes linger. "If I could have it my way I would let you stay here forever Sara.  But you are missing in the hidden leaf village, I had to send word to Lady Tsunade, they just need to know you are okay." I sighed leaning back slowly on my hands.

"Gaara I have done so many things that I'm not even aware of because I was under some kind of love spell. I'm pregnant! At sixteen and married to him too and the strange thing is a part of me deeply loves Sasuke I know it a part of me that isn't under control." I sighed slowly holding my hands on my head for a minute.

"Sakura sure is gonna hate me too." I hissed at the thought already imagining her reactions. I then turned to look at Gaara gently. "But thank you for helping me, I really needed it."

I muttered relaxing when I felt his hand rub at my lower back before he was resting

his head on my shoulder. "I've known you for a while you are my friend and everything will be alright."

Three whole days, that's how long it took to travel back to the hidden leaf. Honestly, I was exhausted and my stomach was a little bigger than usual.

I remember walking up the gate and being instantly greeted by Kakashi Sensei who hugged me tightly.

"Sara." I squeezed my eyes tightly hugging him back smiling sadly.  "Hey Sensei," I muttered on his chest, he pulled away staring at me worried tucking my hair away.

"Did he hurt you? Are you okay? Sara... Oh." He whispered slowly trailing his eyes down to look at my stomach in surprise. "Its a really really long story Sensei... I just really wanna see Naruto and Sakura and relax." I whispered, Kakashi stared at me fully worried.

"Right come on." He wrapped his arms around my shoulder walking with me and I took in the scents, my smell being a little overwhelming, but I talked quietly with Kakashi Sensei who would ask me questions till he leads me to the training grounds.

I held my breath for a minute to stare at Naruto watching his blue eyes look up to gaze at me before he was springing up fast-moving between Sakura, and two unknown males I had never seen.  I didn't even get to open my mouth till Naruto threw his arms around me hugging me deeply holding me close.

"Sara, is that really you?" He whispered quietly near my ear. I kept my arms kept tightly around his upper back taking in his scent and his warmth smiling weakly.

"Hi Naruto, yeah it's me," I whispered giggling quietly, Naruto pulled back pressing his forehead on mine I gazed at him smiling faintly.

"I saw him Naruto... And yeah a lot of things are different." I muttered. Naruto stared down at me in confusion but he trailed his eyes down to look at my stomach in complete shock.

"No... No, that bastard Sasuke didn't!" I winced a little watching Naruto then roughly ran his hand across his face groaning. "I'm gonna kill him. Really I am." I stared at Naruto sadly but he then dropped his hand down to grab my hand pulling me with him.

"Here you can explain everything to us okay? a lot of things have changed in the last couple of months really." I blinked my eyes a bit but I sat on the grass with Naruto followed by Kakashi.

"Okay so first Sara this is Sai, we needed a replacement for Sasuke and you for a bit, he's an asshole," Naruto grumbled out.

Sai ignored Naruto but looked at me curiously like "Hello Sara I've heard a lot about you actually." I smiled gently.

"And this is Captain Yamato for a little while he is running squad seven, while Kakashi Sensei is handling things, and Sakura hasn't changed she is still loud." I held back my laughter holding my mouth amused watching Sakura just sucked punched him her entire face red.

"I've heard a lot about you as well Sara." I smiled at Captain Yamato looking down. "With me well a lot has happened really..." I muttered.

"I didn't remember leaving the hospital, but I know Sasuke gave me this mark its sort of like the Orochimaru one but I heard Karin call it the Uchiha one.  I remember we were somewhere near the sound village, we moved around a lot," I explained everything I could and I saw Sakura was staring at my hand and belly very intensely her face growing red again.

"In my mind control I married Sasuke and as of right now I'm pregnant with twins, Karin helped me escape, but that doesn't mean Sasuke doesn't nowhere I am, I was with Gaara for a bit who caught me up on some things with the Akatsuki and how he died for a bit, but yeah." I sighed heavily.

"You are married to Sasuke!" Sakura shouted in rage slamming her fist on the ground.

"Twins?! What the hell kind of sperm does Sasuke even have! ow! Kakashi!" Naruto exclaimed holding the back of his head while Kakashi was giving him a look.

"That's so disrespectful. " Sai sighed shaking his head side to side at Naruto.

"Wait so you had sex with Sasuke?!" I held my face embarrassed at both Naruto and Sakura exclaiming this out in the open.

"Will you two shut up!"

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