16 - Life And Death

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Marra's POV:-

The pain isn’t the worst part about dying. In fact, the pain goes always almost instantaneously.

The worst part about dying is the place you go to for some time. For me, at least. I suppose humans go to heaven or hell, so that must be better.

But I go to the Void.

It’s this place where everything around me is nothing. All is black. All is untouchable. You can’t move because you have no body. You can’t hear anything because you have no body. You cannot feel anything because you have no body.

You can only see, somehow, and that drives you insane.

Still, every time I return to the mortal world, I wish I were back in the Void for some reason. Comes with being cursed by a witch, I suppose.

Anyhow, I didn’t remember anything except the Void. Which I don’t think I explained very well, but that’s the best I can do.

So soon, I was back in the alleyway. Lying on the ground, head bashed in.

It was already dark. Yeah, usually it takes me an hour or so to come back.

The dent started to heal. My heart started to beat. My lungs started to function.

I was alive once again. Well, almost.

Thankfully, no one was in the alleyway to see me revived. The Gabocks probably left me in fear. And Aar . . . what had they done to Aar?

I waited for the healing to complete, for the pain to go away – and that was when I spotted a butterfly fluttering above my immobile head.

And chasing it, a pearly figure outlined by colors, hissing an irritating hiss.

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