14 - I Die In This One (Sigh)

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It crept towards my face, the blade, teetering dangerously close. My face was nearly wedged against a dirty, brick wall.

‘Hey, Gaba, take it easy, man,' one of the jocks said.

The sharp thing touched the rim of my mouth, and I knew it was now or ever. I risked my face getting disfigured forever, but there were bigger things at stake here. I reared my head violently, hitting Gaba square on the jaw. I heard a squeal of surprise which gave me wholesome delight, I can’t even put in words.
His grip on my collar gave away, and I dodged as he recovered and slashed his blade at me – to think that bullies can get so far as killing if provoked is scary, and fifteen-year-old ones at that.

Aar bit his binder's hand – he has sharp teeth – and he got free of his hold too. We both ran like hares being chased by wolves, like sand being grasped by fist, like wind being blown by the storm.

(Whoa, I described that pretty well, din' I?)

Unfortunately for me, Gaba was fast. He caught up, putting his thick arm around my measly neck. ‘Where do you think you're going, huh, Buttwipe?’

Oh, so he did know how to tell us apart. Wily dog.

Aar paused seeing me in trouble, hesitant to leave me with these monsters.

‘Go – away – ' I choked.

Aar didn’t. He looked at Gaba, said, 'Dude, we’ve never done anything to harm you, and I know you’re not a bloody psycho. So why don’t we talk our way out of this? You, me, Mar, with coffee and books?’

'The fact that you were born pisses me off,' Gaba said, increasing the pressure on my throat. Soon I won’t be able to breathe. I imagine my face must’ve been purple as a berry back then.

I think Aar made a mistake. Convincing Gaba to chill by mentioning books?

Nuh-huh, wrong call.

‘Run – you idiot - ' I pleaded, and I don’t usually plead.

What happened next will probably not shock you, but it sure as hell scared the daylights out of everyone around me then.

Because Gaba pushed me belligerently and I hit my head on the dirty wall.

The last thing I remember is Mom's squeezed face in my mind's eye.

Before dying, I recall a tremendous pain, a flash of red – likely my blood – and Aar's positively traumatized face.

I feel like singing.
Only me?
Oh, okay.

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