Chapter 8

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So Ummm I'm just gonna change my writing style a little since I kinda like my other one so ya hehe

No One's POV

After a few hours, Shinso woke up and sat up straight," Owww Shin what the hell", He looked down at the Pikachu, ' Damn ' Shinso thought as he looked at all the marked he created, " sorry " he said as looked at his marked boyfriend.

" H-Hey what are you looking at? " Kami pouted " At my boyfriend of course " Shinso smirked and laid back down and snuggled into his boyfriend, " Shin, we have school " Kami pointed out, Shinso just snuggled in closer to him, ' My dad won't mind ' Shinso thought as he grabbed his phone and texted his father.


Dad, I'm not coming to class with Kaminari


Why? what happened


Let's just say i had 'fun' also I'm going out with him today.


Heh ok, make sure he's ok


Alright bye love you


Love you, see ya tomorrow Toshi 

No One's POV

When he read the last text, Hitoshi turns off his phone " We aren't going to class " Shinso told Kaminari, Kami snuggled into Shinso more, " Cmon, dress up we're going somewhere " Hitoshi said while standing up " Hmph" Kami pouted again, Shinso couldn't help but give him a peck on his lips, Kami blushed and went to grab some clothes for himself.

(TimeSkip) to when they get dressed and all

Shinso's POV

After I got dressed, I waited outside for Kami, he usually takes longer than me soo, I just went on my phone.

After a few more mins Kaminari finally came out of the bathroom and was wearing a tank top with a lightning bolt on it with ripped jeans.

"Soooo we arent gonna walk too far, right?" Kami asked " I mean my ass still kinda hurts " I smiled at his comment, still remembering our amazing night.

"No no, it's not that far, and besides it's your fault for turning me on so much so you will kinda have to stick to it" I pinpointed.

Kami frowned and crossed his arms, " O-oh whatever, let's just g-go" Kami mumbled as he walked to the door. I followed along happily, thinking about how fun this might be.

As we were walking to the exit I heard a fellow voice call out," Shhiinnsoo~ " it was my ex Monoma, " Babe I missed youu~ " He said while pulling on my arm, Kami looked at me with soo much...Hurt. I looked back at Monoma, " Monoma get off me, we talked about this " I sighed and looked at Kami with eyes that looked like he was about to cry, I pulled Monoma off me, " Babe, this is my ex, Monoma " 

Kami looked at me and suddenly kissed me, I was so shocked but then he pulled back," Well then, I'm Kaminari hiss~ boyfriend "he said making sure the word ' His ' stood out.

Monoma looked at me in disbelief, " b-babe " He stuttered " Pleasee comee back to me " He said while he hugged me, I pushed him back, " look, go back to (Insert Name Here) and stay with them, You Cheater "  Monoma ran out the door and Kami kissed my cheek " sooo how much ex's do you have " Kami joked " Heh, don't worry just one " I replied.

( I had no idea who to put down soo hehe )

No One's POV 

Kami and Shinso both started walking again  to the mall and went to the cafe.

They went to a table and waited for a waiter. When the waiter came, Shinso immediately spotted her eyeing Kaminari.

" Soo what would you guys want, " She said to Denki with her chest sticking out, " One soba and.." Kami stopped and looked for an answer "Just one soba with two forks " Shinso said, "Alright t-then " she said with a hint of Jealousy, Kami blushed and looked at Shinso " D-dont do that in public~ " he complained then pouted, " Had to show her that I keep whats mine~ " Shinso flirted, " Oh shut it " Kami giggled.



W.C = 747

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