Chapter 11

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Hey so before I start the story I want yall to know that I am planning on writing a new story it's been out for a while now...And it's an oneshots hehe  Check it out I'm still writing the first chapter but the prologue is out rn so... Ya also THX FOR 850+ READS, I swear I was just reading Wattpad and got a notification that someone voted on my story, AND THERE IT WAS LOL, anyway if u read this hope you enjoy UwU Also this song can be sad if u think about it, just wait for it lol

Kami's POV ( 5 Years Later BTW )

It's been five years since I and Shinso started dating, We moved in together and Shinso was a pro-hero, while I decided to stay back. But he is acting strangely these couple of days, I mean he spaces out more than usual and is on phone with people more, I always ask like what's up and all but he just avoids the question and changes the subject like it's not important, We don't spend much time together also.

The amount of time we spend together is at least 8 hours, And that is when we sleep and a little bit in the morning.

Well, our Fifth-year anniversary is in a week so I hope that he will have time for that...What am I saying he will have time for that!... I hope.

When I was making dinner, Shinso came back from work, As usual, Shinso went to our room to-do paperwork, He didn't even give a wave or a 'Hi', I sighed and went back to cooking.

When I finished, I took out two plates and added food to them, and even tho it was hopeless, I went to our room, "Hey babe, food is on the table" I told him, "Look Kaminari, I'm busy n just put it in the fridge and I'll eat it later".

He told me, It kinda hurt me I mean he called me 'Kaminari' not 'Kami' or 'Babe' or at least 'Denki', But no Kaminari, I forgot how it feels to feel affected by his affection, His LOVE.

Regardless that, I still love him, and it hurts every time he's away.

I didn't bother to eat that day and went to the bathroom and cried, I cried quietly and softly, curled up in a ball and cried.

I sang the song that he would sing to me to make me feel better.

"We took a polaroid" I sang quietly,

"You sighed your name upon it"

"I put it in my wallet"

"Hoping I see your face again" I sang a little louder as I started to sob.

"We took a polaroid, Capture the look in your eyes"

"It's only a matter of time"

"Before It Starts Fading In" my voice cracked at the end as I finished the line, I just cried and sobbed my eyes out, Thank god our bathroom was a little bit soundproof so you couldn't hear me clearly.

After I couldn't cry anymore, I looked in the mirror and my face was all red and puffy, "Fine, If he doesn't want this then we will see how he will deal without me there," I thought to myself and went to the guest bedroom and went to sleep.

When I woke up, I went to the kitchen for a coffee, As usual, he was probably at work, So I decided to invite Kiri since Baku was probably at work and he also decided to stay back like me. So I picked up my phone and dialled the number.

*Ring Ring Ring*

"Hii Kami"

"Heyy Kiri"

"So you wanna come over since I'm bored"

"Sure, I'll come by at 3 If that's fine"

"Yupp See ya later"

"See yaa"

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