Chapter 7 - Call Me Master

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The next few days felt like a blur

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The next few days felt like a blur.

I had been given permission to leave my room during the day, adding some variation to my activities. Although, most of my free time was spent in the library researching, and once I had eaten my dinner, I was to retire to my chambers, no detours allowed.

As a result, there was not much time for me to survey the layout of the castle itself.

Naturally, I was itching to explore my surroundings. I was particularly hoping to visit the lake at night, as I loved laying under the stars near a body of water.

I had made a mental note to ask the Lycan King's consent to do such.

It was strange that I had not seen the King as much as I would have liked, especially in the last two days. His absence was most conspicuous, especially since he usually came to check in on me.

This feeling surprised me, but I thought it was more my curiousity of not knowing what was expected of me and my duties as his slave. He had also yet to brand my wrist with his mark.

I had been told that I would receive a special emblem on my right wrist, one that would be very distinct from all the other humans within the Lycan region. Obviously, I was not looking forward to having another symbol of ownership placed upon my body.

But such was the way of the Malvar Empire.

Since my arrival, Faeda and I had grown very familiar with each other. The King's brother, Eginhard, was another face I saw daily, as he made it his mission to check up on me. He had insisted that I called him by his name and not to worry about official titles.

Eginhard had also introduced me to his friend Otto who like me, was of a similarly mixed heritage. His complexion was a little darker than mine and his hair was styled in neat dreadlocks. Whenever he saw me in the hallways, he would always stop and greet me, asking me about my day, something I was very appreciative of.

Another Lycan I would also see daily was Dhamin. He was Drengr's younger brother and had the same brownish eye colour and angular facial features of his older sibling. For some reason, he had taken an immediate liking to me, and I him. He was a Lycan warrior, but ever since suffering an injury that left him unable to walk, he spent most of his time in the library helping his brother.

Dhamin moved around in a chair that had wheels attached to it and I had to stifle a giggle whenever he purposefully ran over Drengr's foot.

What I liked most about Dhamin was the air of positivity he exuded. He always had a smile on his face and even though he could not walk, he would still oversee the training of some of the younger Lycans, not allowing his impairment to hinder him.

In fact, whenever I felt inadequate about being able to be of use to the empire, Dhamin would remind me that strength came in different forms.

The longer I spent in the Lycans' presence, the more I realised how relaxed they were around one another. At least depending on the setting, as I noticed Faeda and the other high-ranking Lycans I had met in the council room calling Edric by his first name while they were having dinner.

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