Chapter 8 - Be Safe My King

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The Lycan King had just demanded that I called him Master Edric when we were alone

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The Lycan King had just demanded that I called him Master Edric when we were alone.

After staring at him for a moment, I licked my lips nervously, "May I ask why?"

"There you go with that mouth of yours, forgetting your place again! Why must you question me so?"

I could hear the way he exhaled harshly while invading my personal space once more, pushing me back into the library shelf. At his words, I bit the inside of my cheek, forcing myself not to lash out.

If only he knew just how unhinged my mouth really could be.

Keeping my eyes locked with his, I said, "I apologise Your Majes– I mean, Master Edric, it's just–"

"Say my name again," he commanded, as his eyes stared boldly into mine.

"Master–" I began, before he cut me off once more.


I jumped slightly at his sudden outburst.

His face morphed into a slight grimace before narrowing his eyes at me, "Just my name..."

"Edric..." I said, not liking the way my body began to respond as the word slipped past my lips.

It must have had a similar effect on him, for I observed the way in which his face relaxed as he closed his eyes, as though savouring the sound.

"Again," he demanded; his tone low as he stepped even closer to me.

The hair on the back of my neck stood up as the huskiness of his voice washed over me. I was torn between feeling excited and stunned, but I did what was asked of me nonetheless.

"Edric," I repeated, watching his eyebrows furrow.

I gasped when his eyes popped open suddenly and as he anchored his attention on me, I felt like there was a soft glint in his eyes for the first time. But it was gone so quickly that it was as though I had imagined it, his voice pulling my attention before I could give the notion any further thought.

"When we are alone, I want you..." he paused, breathing deeply.

The air in my lungs halted, waiting for him to continue.

"I want you to call me Edric. In any other scenario, you will address me as Your Majesty as usual," he said matter-of-factly, before abruptly turning his back on me.

Putting some space between us, he quickly walked over to the railing and gripped it tightly.

I could not help but wonder why he did not want me to call him 'Master' then my mind wandered on what Suvarna had told me about the games she and Ulrik would play. Apparently, it was something that many Lycans engaged in, some more intense than others.

The skin on my face burnt as vivid images flashed across my mind, and I silently contemplated on whether or not I was reading too much into things. Sighing softly, I leaned away from the shelf, stretching my back a bit.

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