Chapter 24 - O Princess Of Mine

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The light of the early morning sun peeked through the large windows

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The light of the early morning sun peeked through the large windows.

Turning my head, the corners of my lips lifted into a smile as I watched Lenna peacefully slept next to me. Her lips were still somewhat swollen from my kisses, and my body rumbled slightly while remembering how amazing it felt to have her mouth against mine, especially when she had passionately returned my caresses.

Thinking back to last night, I reminisced on the heated kisses we had shared and the way in which her body had accepted mine. I could still feel her against me and my smile widened, thinking about the way she had cum all over my face and my cock last night.

There was no doubt in my mind that the whole castle had heard us and I felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that every Lycan within a mile now knew that Lenna was mine and I was hers.

It was undoubtably the best sex I had ever had in my life!

Who knew that Lenna had such a kinky side?

Though I supposed a part of me had always been suspicious, given how bold she was in her everyday life. Why would her fiery passion not be expressed in the bedroom as well?

Either way, I was definitely not complaining and looked forward to exploring so much more with her where our sex life was concerned.

After we had another shower, we moved back to Lenna's room, where I hand fed Lenna some bread, cheese, and meat before she fell asleep against me. I had wanted us to stay in my bed, but Lenna was mortified by the state we had left the sheets in.

I must confess, the concept of sharing a bed was new to me.

In fact, it was the first time I had ever slept next to another person. Even though we only fell asleep a few hours ago, I had never felt more rested.

Moving my gaze back to Lenna's sleeping face, I was briefly reminded of her nightmare from last night.

I had sat next to her, helpless, with my fingers gripping the sheet while I had watched the woman I loved whinge and shake in her sleep. The anguish in her soft unintelligible pleas had torn at my heart as my hands moved to shake her, desperately trying to wake her up.

Unfortunately, this only resulted in her body convulsing, and I had been tempted to call upon Drengr and Klaus.

When she had called out Einarr's name, I felt my heart clench in my chest. The tortured scream that tore from her lips just before she opened her beautiful eyes was a sound I would not forget.

Judging by the two similar dreams she had described, it was clear to me that these were more like visions than just simple nightmares. Especially since users of magic like hers had been known to predict the future, I had no doubt that what she saw would more than likely come to pass and the thought chilled me to my bones.

Nonetheless, I vowed to keep Lenna safe, no matter the cost.

I would give my life for her!

After spending years in the shadow of my older brother, I had finally broken free, managing to lose myself in many adventures across to sea. My parents, however, would pull me right back and shackle me to a throne and life I did not want.

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