Chapter 25 - Reconnecting

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Edric and I were standing in the castle's courtyard

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Edric and I were standing in the castle's courtyard.

The morning sun was shining brightly, and my fingers were nervously fiddling with the front of my dark-coloured dress. My curly hair had been combed back neatly into a tight bun, and my eyes remained anxiously fixed on the arched gateways.

Grabbing one of my hands in his, Edric's voice was soothing as he commanded, "Relax, Lenna. Everything will be fine."

His thumb grazed over a particular white patch of skin on the back of my hand and I immediately felt myself calm down, allowing myself to enjoy the comfort his touch brought me.

A few minutes later, the horses' heavy hooves echoed across the courtyard before two carriages pulled up. I held my breath and squeezed Edric's hand tightly, waiting for the occupants to exit the large wagons.

My father's radiant red hair was the first thing I saw, followed by the smooth brown skin of my mother's arm, as her husband held her hand, helping her to the ground.

"Mother! Father!" I yelled, leaving Edric's side to run towards my parents.

Enveloping them in a big hug, I held them tightly for a moment before I heard the voice of my brother, "Hey! What about me?"

Chuckling softly with tears in my eyes, I dragged him into one big group hug.

It was so good to be reunited with my family! Especially when only mere months ago, I had no idea if I would have ever laid eyes on them again.

"Your butt has gotten bigger!" Waldemar teased me as we all parted.

"Excuse me! That is no way to talk to your sister, young man!" Lissa, my mother, scolded in a soft voice, causing him to mumble an apology.

My father chuckled, the sound immediately dying in his throat when my mother's hazel eyes glanced at him.

"I missed you too," I said while ruffling my brother's hair.

"Your Majesty!" Wilhelm, my father greeted the Lycan King with a low bow, my mother and brother joining him.

Stepping to the side, I watched as Edric welcomed my family.

A soft giggle escaped me while noticing the fleeting expression on his face. Edric seemed almost nervous when my father introduced him to my mother. Though short in stature, I had told him not to let her dainty features fool him, for I often feared her soft-spoken voice, more than my father's booming one.

"Oh my, so this is what Lenna looks like when she is in love?"

The teasing voice of Dakini whispered in my ear, making me turn around with a squeal, my arms quickly moving out to hold her.

Embracing her tightly, I said, "I missed you so much!"

"And I you! I cannot wait to catch up," she gushed while squeezing me tightly.

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