fedex | spin the bottle

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word count: 1420

⚠️language warning⚠️

in which dex has to kiss fitz in a game of spin the bottle

tiana is canon in this oneshot
there is also a brief tex moment


Dex wrung his fingers together nervously, his brows scrunched up. He was at Everglen along with the rest of the gang for a big sleepover.

They hadn't been able to all hang out together in a while, so when the chance came up, everyone had agreed it would be a good idea.
Afterall, they were still teenagers and needed a break every once in a while.

The only thing Dex didn't understand was how Biana had convinced everyone to play spin the bottle.

When they all arrived they decided to hang out in the den (Dex hadn't even known they had one). It was on the left side of the house and surprisingly, it wasn't as glamorous as he expected.

The walls were a warm tone brown, renaissance looking paintings hung on the walls. Instead of the usual marble floor, there was a dark brown carpet. The left side of the wall has a large fireplace set into it, big enough to fit 4 people the same size as him. The ceilings were tall and yellow lighting cascaded from chandeliers that were hung from the ceiling.

Okay, maybe it was pretty glamorous after all. It just wasn't as sparkly, something Dex was thankful for.

The gang sat around, chatting about school and complaining about stuck up mentors. It was all great up until Biana hopped up from her spot on the couch, exclaiming that she had the perfect idea.

She went on about how they should all play spin the bottle, saying that it would be fun and exciting.

Dex would have laughed at the look on Sophie's face if he wasn't terrified himself. He could already see it. He spins the bottle and whoever it lands on refuses to kiss him. It would be humiliating.

It took a lot of convincing from Biana, and Keefe surprisingly considering his past with the game, to get everyone to join.

Perhaps Dex had given into peer pressure, but when he felt everyone's eyes on him, he couldn't help but agree to play.

They were on their third round by now. Biana had spun the bottle first, landing on Tam. His eyes widened as his cheeks flushed red. She laughed a little at his face before standing up and making way over to him.

He sat up straighter as she knelt down, pushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. It was clear to everyone that they liked each other. The looks in their eyes gave it away.

Tam placed a hand gently on Biana's cheek, leaning in and hovering over her lips. She closed the gap, her lips pressing softly to his. Tam smiled against the kiss, enjoying the moment.

As they pulled away the group cheered. Linh went on about how 'her Tammy was all grown up' while Fitz glared at the boy in question. It was cute seeing Fitz get all protective of Biana. Dex smiled to himself while everyone quieted down.

They decided that the person it landed on should be the next to spin, so Tam reached forwards and gave the bottle a good spin.

The bottle slowed to a stop, the nozzle pointing at Dex. Both boy's eyes widened, most likely for the same reason. Neither had ever kissed a boy before.

Dex looked to Biana for help, asking if Tam should spin again. She laughed, crossing her arms.

"No can do buddy. You can kiss someone of the opposite gender, it won't kill you." Dex rolled his eyes, not surprised by her sarcasm.

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