kam | why'd you only call me when your high

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wordcount: 917
keefe wokes some smeed so if you're not into that then don't read this chapter

Tam reached over to his nightstand, the ringing of his imparter echoing throughout his bedroom. He marked the page in his book before answering the call, not really registering the contact name on his screen.

"Hey hot stuff." Tam rolled his eyes at the obnoxious blonde that now covered his screen.

"Keefe. What do you want. It's like," Tam paused, squinting at the clock across the room. "3am."

Keefe smiled dopily, giggling like an idiot. "Do I really need a reason to call you?" Tam glared at the screen, both questioning Keefe's stupidity and his giggling.

"At 3 in the morning? Yes, you do." He could already feel a headache coming on.

Keefe just frowned before shifting on his bed and setting his imparter down next to him. All Tam could hear were Keefe's footsteps and a loud thud.

"Keefe?" Tam was starting to feel concerned. Why was Keefe acting so... weird?

"I'm fine!" Keefe called out following another loud thud. Tam's imparter made a loud shuffling noise as Keefe hastily grabbed his off his bed. "I'm coming over."

Tam snapped up straight, his eyes widening. "No! No you are not! Get back in bed you dimwit!" Keefe just smiled in response, walking towards his bedroom door.

"I miss you and want to see your cute face." Tam blushed, scowling back at his screen. What was Keefe thinking? Tam lived in a house with 3 other people who were presumably sleeping. Not to mention he couldn't just invite himself over as he pleases.

"What are you on right now?" Tam asked sarcastically, not expecting the response he got.

"I'm high." Keefe's said it so casually that it took a few seconds for Tam to register what he said.

"You're kidding me." He deadpanned. He couldn't believe Keefe would do something like that.

Then again, the more Tam thought about it, the more it made sense. Despite Keefe's above average grades, he was what some might call a "bad boy". He was rebellious, pulled pranks, and even ditched class.

Tam snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the loud closing of a door. Keefe had walked outside, not bothering to be quiet. What if his dad woke up?

He held a leaping crystal up to the moonlight, a beam casting in front of him. Panic rose in Tam's chest as he started to step into it.

Keefe was about to leap. High, at that. There was no way he would have enough concentration to get here safely.

Tam jumped out of bed and rushed outside. The marble floors felt cold on his bare feet, but he couldn't care less. He left the door wide open as he came barreling out of the house, scanning the wide lawn for Keefe. Low and behold, there stood he smiling like an idiot.

"I can't believe you just leaped here!" Tam hissed, running up to him. "What if you faded! There's no way you can concentrate like tha-" Tam's rant was cut short when Keefe pulled him into a bear hug.

He breathed in deeply, clearly enjoying the smell of Tam's freshly washed hair. Tam just blushed, trying to push Keefe away.

When he realized his efforts were pointless, he simply hugged the blonde back and nuzzled his face into his chest. The cold night air pricked at his skin, making him huddle closer to Keefe. Tam scrunched his nose up upon doing that, the smell of weed evident. Who had Keefe even gotten weed from?

Keefe pulled back enough for Tam to look up at him, a frown encasing his features. "Why did you come here?"

Keefe quirked his head to the side, cocking his head like a confused puppy. Why did he have to be so cute?

"I already told you. I wanted cuddles." Tam started to smile before quickly covering it up with a scowl. He shouldn't have been this happy about Keefe's suggestion, yet here he was, his heart pounding out of his chest.

He simply grabbed Keefe's hand and lead him back to his room, but not without a few hiccups along the way. Keefe had somehow managed to almost knock over every single vase and painting in the house on the way to Tam's room. He was lucky enough to have them before they hit the floor, but seriously, could Keefe be anymore reckless.

Upon entering the room it finally hit Tam what he was doing. He just snuck a boy into his room (A high boy at that). He blushed softly, tugging on his bangs in a feeble attempt to hide the red hue dusting his features.

He startled out of his thoughts as he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist. Keefe dragged Tam to the bed, pulling him onto his lap.

Keefe leant against the wall, Tam nestled in his lap. He kept his arms locked tightly around the shade, his head in the crook of his neck.

Tam blushed even harder at the contact, resisting the urge to jump every time he felt a breath on his neck.

No matter how hard he struggled to get away, it didn't seem like Keefe was going to let up, so he decided to give up and just enjoy the moment.

Tam reached over and grabbed he book off of his nightstand, picking up where he left off and cuddling up in Keefe's arms.

They both fell asleep soon after, and let's just say Linh had fun teasing them in the morning.

i wanted to write some kam but didn't know what scenario to write about so i opened up spotify and put one of my playlist on shuffle for inspo
i ended up getting "Why'd you only call me when you're high" by The Arctic Monkeys

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