sokeefe | wake up sleepyhead

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wordcount: 686
takes place around the beginning of legacy


Sophie knocked on Keefe's door lightly, the sound echoing throughout the large hallway. She had arrived at the Shores of Solace a few minutes prior, and after a thorough interrogation from Lord Cassius, she was permitted to enter the manor.

Earlier that day Sophie had decided to make a surprise visit. Truth be told, she just missed Keefe and his sarcastic remarks, as annoying as they can get.

Sophie looked to Ro, smiling while tapping her foot impatiently. What was taking Keefe so long? Ro grunted, telling Sophie to just walk in. She pushed the door open, praying that keefe was dressed.

Sophie let out a sigh of relief upon seeing Keefe laying in his bed sleeping, fully dressed save for a shirt. He lay with his stuffed gulon, Ms. Stinkbottom, sandwiched between his cheek and the bed, the green body squished into a pancake. His blanket hung loosely around his waist, exposing his toned stomach. Sophie hesitantly took a step forwards, closing the door behind her.

She figured he must have started working out, abs lining his toned stomach. She walked closer, inspecting the white scar that ran just underneath his ribs. She grimaced at the memory of his fight with the King. To this day she was proud of him for winning, despite also being upset about his recklessness.

Sophie forced herself to breath softly as to make sure she didn't wake Keefe up. She lightly ran her fingers over the jagged scar, her fingers ghosting over his stomach. She moved to sit on the edge of the bed, holding her breath as she did so.

Her eyes moved from his stomach up to his face, admiring his features. His eyes were closed, long, dark lashes brushing up against the highest point of his cheek. He had a perfect face shape, a defined jawline and high cheekbones.

Keefe was an even split between his mother and father. Despite being horrible people, Sophie had to admit that they were attractive. It was only normal that Keefe be just as good looking, if not more.

Her gaze slowly lowered to his lips, a rosy pink, slightly parted as soft breathes left his mouth. They were the perfect size. Not too big, looking fake, yet not too small either.

Without realizing what she was doing, she reached out a hand, running her thumb over his bottom lip.

They were softer than expected. Sophie had almost expected them to be rough and chapped. Her thumb moved down, pulling on his lip ever so slightly.

She looked back up to his eyes, her heart leaping out of her chest when she saw him staring back at her.

She pulled her hand away abruptly, falling off the side of his bed with a loud thud.

Keefe sat up, eyes wide as he stared at her. "You good, Foster?" He asked, voice still deep with sleep.

She nodded her head frantically, scrambling for the door. Unfortunately, her leg slipped on the sand like carpet, causing her to face plant once again.

She spewed out curses and she pushed herself to her feet, practically leaping towards the door. Keefe's cheeks were a bright red, as were Sophie's.

Both teens stared at each other for a moment before Sophie pulled her eyes away, grasping the door handle. Her mind raced. He had been awake. He caught her touching his lips.

Oh god, she must have seemed like such a creep. If she were him, she would have freaked out and probably would have started yelling. Yet Keefe kept calm, and for a split second Sophie thought she saw something more in his eyes. Longing.

"I'll be in the dining room. Um, yeah." Sophie rushed out the door, not bothering to wait for a response.

Just as she was about to walk away from the door she heard a snicker coming from beside her. She snapped her head to the ogre next to her.

The look on Ro's face had said it all. She'd heard everything. Sophie blushed even more as she ran down the hall.

She was never hearing the end of this.


i had a keefex oneshot in the making
it was halloween theme and i didn't finish it in time hahzhehd

here's sokeefe instead
would y'all still want to read the keefex one even though halloween is over??

the keefex one is my longest oneshot yet btw

it took me WEEKS to write lmao 😭😭

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