update & mini-oneshots

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a bit. I'm currently working on a Marrelinh oneshot (a request), but it's taking me a bit longer. I've been studying for exams this past week as exams start Tuesday for me, so writing on top of all my work is a bit stressful.

I promise I will finish the fic asap! But... in the meantime here are some short headcanons/bits my friend and I have complied!

The Gang as Monster Energy Flavors:

Dex: Prefers the white monster, but drinks the original monster when he needs to pull all nighter.
Keefe: Love/hate relationship with the light blue can.
Sophie: She likes the pink monster that's mixed with juice, the other ones are too strong for her.
Biana: Likes the rose monster despite the fact that it tastes like perfume.
Marella: Assault. She likes the Assault monsters.
Linh: Tried monster once and hated it, but if she had to choose one, she thinks the white monsters are the least intense.
Wylie: The orange monster. Poor taste really.
Fitz: The green can. Also has poor taste.
Tam: The original monster and the red can are his favorites, but he likes most of them.
What the Gang Wore on Halloween:

Dex: He dressed up as a character from a book (and was upset when nobody got the reference).
Keefe: Keefe dressed up as a Christmas elf... Sophie still has nightmares.
Sophie: A basic scarecrow. Keefe was disappointed.
Biana: A fairy. As she should.
Marella: A knight. Let's just say she was stunning.
Linh: A princess. Yes, she and Marella had matching costumes. Also yes, I love them and they are very gay.
Wylie: Dressed up as a prince but didn't know about Linh and Marella's theme... Marella wasn't very happy.
Fitz: He dressed up as Keefe to make fun of him. It definitely caught everyone of guard.
Tam: A vampire. As he should.
Secret Santa:

Dex: Dex got Keefe. He convinced Sophie to take him to the forbidden cities and they got him a bunch of human foods and clothes. Keefe loved it.
Keefe: Keefe got Tam. Being the prankster he is, he got him lotion that would stain his skin hot pink.
Sophie: Sophie got Fitz. She panicked for a while before settling on a simple necklace with a stone. He wears it under his tunic everyday.
Biana: Biana got Sophie. She went out and bought way to many gowns. Admittedly, they looked great on Sophie.
Marella: Marella got Dex. She got him some new tunics. And maybe wrote him a letter that made him cry... she's never been the sentimental type, but Dex has always been their for her...
Linh: Linh got Wylie. She got him some books she thought he's like to read. He loved them.
Wylie: Wylie got Linh. He got her one of those jumbo stuffed bears. She named him Sir Bearington.
Tam: Tam got Biana. He got her a necklace with a locket. It has a little picture of everyone standing by the panakes tree in it. Biana wears it all the time.
I'll try to update soon. I love Marellinh and want to write more of it, so hopefully I can finish it soon.

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