| Watercolours: The Picture of Love |

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White lies to me with its purity divine,
a reflection I refuse to see in the broken glass.
Love is the picture of transparency,
of something I never thought was for me.
But, God has a way of throwing people in my life when I least expect it.
You show me your uncertainty,
your amusement,
your smile as you put your hand in mine,
blinding me in white.

Black bleeds onto the blank canvas,
ruining everything I begin.
Love is the shadow of fear creeping over my spine,
wrapping its icy fingers around my throat.
With the touch of your lips,
you adorn me;
your sign.
You adore me still,
in the black world I hide myself in.

Red bursts into visions of aching pain,
of spidery scars burning my working hands,
lighting a fire under the cracking skin.
Love is a poisoned rain that covers me,
shelters my eyes with the thick blood of sin.
Despite everything,
you keep believing in me,
keep investing your faith in me.
You wash me away with a permanent, red stain.

Blue infects my heart with a deadly condition,
with an illness that severs my heart from my head.
Love is the colour that drives me insane,
the colour of me falling deeper into you,
of liking you more than I ever wanted to...
You have my love,
have me in the palm of your hand,
have this defenseless, blue soul without my permission.


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