Wedding Plans

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"Shelby! I didn't know you were coming," Charlie says when Embry finally pulls up in the front yard.

"I forgot to call. I've missed you!" I say as I shut the car door. My uncle wraps me up in a hug as Alice pulls up in her fancy sports car.

Embry clears his throat and nods toward Alice as she bounces toward us.

"Hi Shelby! Hi Charlie! Hi Embry!" Alice says once she gets closer.

"Well hello Alice! I didn't know you were all coming," Charlie says, "On my day off nonetheless."

"Well, than it's a good thing it's your day off then!" Embry says, "Because it's going to be a long day."

I elbow him in the side because Charlie couldn't have possibly heard that last part.

"Come on in kids," Charlie opens the front door for us and we all head in with him to follow. I set my laptop, that Embry so kindly stopped to grab after my complaining about his, on the coffee table.

Alice sits down in the arm chair, with me and Embry on the couch, and Charlie in the other chair.

"Not to be pushy or rude, but why are you all here?" Charlie asks.

I glance at Alice for a split second. She smiles and nods, giving me a thumbs up.

"Well... uhh, we have to tell you something," I grab Embry's hand, "Embry and I are... um, getting married?"

Charlie doesn't respond, but when he does, his face lights up like a Christmas tree. He gets up and gives me another hug. This time much warmer than before.

"And there's another thing," Embry cuts in.

"Should I be scared?" Charlie asks, still gripping my shoulders. Alice had walked out of the room, giving us some sort of privacy, although she can hear everything being said.

"No! It just. How do I put this as simply as possible?" I say and take a step back, "We're also, expecting."

"Expecting? Expecting what?" Charlie asks, obviously confused.

Embry wraps an arm around my waist and answers for me, "A baby."

"Get out."

"What?" I ask as he ushers us out.

"Get out of my house!"

"Charlie I-"

"Get out, and don't come back until you've gotten over your childish jokes!" He yells at me.

"Charlie it's not a joke! I seriously am pregnant!" I say forcefully.

"Really?" He looks a bit more happy.

"Yeah. Really," I reply softly.

He wraps me in a third hug. Mostly comforting himself. He pulls away and holds his hand out to Embry. He takes it, and they shake hands.

"Welcome to the family Embry," he says. Embry just replies with a warm smile.

"We were just going to start planning their wedding if you'd like to help Charlie," Alice pipes up.

"Sure, I'd love that," he says and we all head back inside.


"Okay, we've got most of it done. We just need to set a final date and get everything else in line. And we still have a while to spare," Alice says before we get ready to head off.

"Thanks Alice. I'll see you back at the house," I say before she speeds off in her car.

"So it's really happening?" Charlie asks from the porch.

"Yeah. I guess it is," I say as Embry shuts the drivers side door of his car.

"Would you two like to stay for dinner?" He asks. I glance at Embry and he shrugs.

"Why don't we go out tonight? Let's go to the diner. I know how much you love that little place," I say as he shuts the front door and walks toward me.

"I'm really proud of you Shelby. I hope you know that," he says. I rush over and clutch him in a hug.

"I know. You've always been a dad to me Charlie. Even if I do have my real dad now, you'll always be mine," I mumble into his chest as a few tears slip.

"Now, now. No crying little lady! At least not before we've had any pie!" He says before he plants a kiss on my forehead and hops in his police cruiser.

I chuckle as I get in the passenger side of Embry's car.

"Pie?" He asks as he starts to follow Charlie down the road.

"I'll explain later. Don't ruin the moment!" I say as I ruffle his hair. He picks up my hand and laces our fingers together.

"I love you. And don't you forget it!" He kisses my hand and keeps driving.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2015 ⏰

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