"there's no Kidz bop kid named Olivia!"

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So Rosie was hanging out more with her friend Robin, And Robin was obsessed with this game called Webkinz. she and Rosie started playing together and Rosie made herself her own account. She called it Kidzboprules. And she named one of her Webkinz after one of the current Kidz bop kids. She named him Cooper. Cooper was kind of her favorite out of the whole bunch of new kids. And She didn't know why but she kind of thought of him as the leader of the group. that's why she always put him in the center of all her pictures on her YouTube channel. The new kids were still her least favorite group though, so even though she liked listening to their music, it was kind of this love-hate relationship kind of going on.
Anyway Robin noticed Rosie's new account and decided to add another webkin on there for her. But she didn't know that Rosie was only naming the Webkinz on that particular account after Kidz bop members! So when she surprised Rosie with the Webkin, Rosie was a little upset with her. She had named the Webkin Olivia. And there was no current Kidz bop member named Olivia to her knowledge. But wanting to forgive her friend she decided to make things work. So she went online to see if there were any past Kidz bop members named Olivia. And she was shocked.

They literally just added a new Kidz bop kid named Olivia!She was thrilled

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They literally just added a new Kidz bop kid named Olivia!
She was thrilled. Not only was the webkin named after a Kidz bop kid but it was a current one! (And by the way even if they didn't do that there was a past 1st generation one named Olivia Holt too)
Rosie kept watching more and more blog videos of the new kids. And the more blog videos she watched, the harder it became to see the new kids as something bad. They were always laughing and smiling and messing around with each other. And this was all offset they were not pretending. They were also acting kind to each other and other people. Like maybe they actually were nice and kind people. Like maybe she didn't have a reason to be afraid anymore. she also did eventually watch their Make Some noise video. And though she didn't want to admit it to herself she thought their music video topped the third generations'. She also listened to their acapella song cake by the ocean again. She didn't watch the video she just listened. And it didn't seem as bad as before.
Speaking of scary things Halloween was now coming up. Rosie was listening to more and more of the new kids' music. She found a song that kind of looked interesting called God's plan.
That was until she found a comment on there. Someone was complaining that the song at gotten recommended to them and they weren't subscribed to Kidz bop. That's not the comment that freaked her out. The comment that freak Rosie out was this.

 The comment that freak Rosie out was this

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"They found you..........Run!!!"
Rosie didn't know why but that comment gave her extreme anxiety. Did this person think that the kids were hunting people down? What did this person think the kids were going to do? Did they imagine them........ Hurting people!?!?
Rosie could not even listen to the song anymore without thinking of that comment. Anyway she was listening to other songs and she found out that they remixed the song Disturbia. And when she's listened to it SHE ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! She wanted to put it on her channel for Halloween. But What to do for the video? Then she had an idea. The comment that she had seen before had given her a brilliant idea. she would animate a video of the person getting that particular comment after being recommended the video. And then the kids would actually show up at her house to scare her. Rosie had a lot of fun and animating the kids chasing the lady around the house. Anyway after animating that for a while, Rosie decided that the kids should corner her. But what should they do after they corner her? She didn't want to animate them hurting her. She just didn't want to see them like that. So instead she animated them doing what they did best. Dancing. And at the the end of the video she did a "or was it a dream" thing.
After making the video she didn't feel as bad about the comment. But she was still scared. Sure the kids were nice now. But what if they found out about how much she hated them in the past? Would they come for her?

My Halloween video

Kidz Bop Hates Me (a Kidz bop horror story)Where stories live. Discover now