"I want to go see a concert"

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Rosie decided to make her video the video for Halloween night. And when Rosie was making the banner she was happy to discover the new kid Olivia's birthday was only one day after her own. That made Rosie really happy. She didn't know why but she felt like she could maybe trust this new girl. She wasn't sure if she could trust Shane or indigo though. They were coinciding with the enemy! The 2017 kids who she still wasn't completely sure she should trust.
But this Olivia girl......... She could just maybe......trust........

Halloween came and left. And Rosie started feeling a sudden desire. She wanted to go to a concert. She never been to a Kidz bop concert before and she really wanted to go. but they were always going too far off places they would never come to where she was. But she was desperate so she started looking just checking every once in awhile to see what towns they were going to. And sometime after Christmas she saw it. June 16th 2019 they were coming to her hometown. Rosie was very excited. So since she knew none of the grown-ups would get her tickets to the show she did all she could to get a part-time job. She got one in February as a food sample person. Then in April she got one working at Goodwill. And even though she was still a little scared she got VIP tickets. That's right she was going to meet the actual kids. But it was okay. In early 2019 most of the 2017 kidz bop kids left the group to pursue other dreams. There were now only two left everyone else was new. Rosie was honestly relieved that most of the group was gone now. Even though she did enjoy the music and she was getting more and more used to the kids she was still certain that she did not like them. And worst of all she saw another comment. there was a whole bunch of people making fun of their high hopes video and somebody commented this

 there was a whole bunch of people making fun of their high hopes video and somebody commented this

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Angry band kids entered the chat? THEY'RE ANGRY?!? If they get angry at this kind of stuff. What would they do to people like her? I mean surely these commenters were worse. But still that meant she might still get something!
then one day Rosie started watching one of Isaiah's blog videos it was him playing some video game. It might have been fortnite. and the other people playing with him started making fun of him. "Come on come and get me! stop playing like a girl." One of the teenagers taunted.
"Im coming I'm coming! I'm not acting like a girl!" Isaiah stammered.
"Well you sure sound like one!"
The teenager replied.
Isaiah studdered some more. you could just hear the stress in his voice.
Rosie waited in suspence. Was she finally going to see Isaiah's dark side? But that's not what happened.
"Dude you're bullying a twelve-year-old quit it." Isaiah said firmly.
"Come on let's just play some video games."
Rosie stood there in shock.
"All right all right I'm sorry." The teenager muttered.
Rosie couldn't believe it he didn't get mad! and he was full on being bullied? Would she be all right too? She didn't know. She still didn't like them.
They were her least favorite group after all.
And Anyway Someone wanted them to remix the song Life of the party. Now with most of the 2017 group gone she knew they couldn't. It would be mostly 2019 kids remixing it if they did make a remix. Her happy memories were safe. She was glad a couple of them was staying though. She wanted some familiarity in the new group. The new kid Olivia was staying too. Rosie was glad she hoped she would get to meet her. Rosie wasn't sure what she wanted though. if she met the new kids they would be unfamiliar but if she met the kids that were staying that meant she would be meeting 2017 kids. Would they try anything? Would they even recognize her? they didn't even know about her YouTube channel but she kind of wanted them to know about it. She hoped that they would comment on it and talk to her. because even though they were her least favorite group they were still celebrities. She kinda wanted to be friends.
And she especially wanted to be friends with that Olivia girl. She wanted to let her know that they were almost birthday twins. She commented on her channel trying to let her know. But she ignored her. She commented on the other kids channels too. They also ignored her. She hoped it was because she hadn't met them in person yet and not because they knew she used to really hate them. if they ever knew that she was certain they would hate her ..........OR WORSE.
Rosie really hoped one of them would respond to her. But so far nothing until one day it was one of the kids birthdays. And Somebody made them a happy birthday video. So Rosie commented on it wishing the kid a happy birthday. And the kid responded "thank you"
Rosie just about had a heart attack she jumped up and down screaming. She felt like Beyonce herself had spoken to her. Her brother heard the ruckus and ask her what was going on.
"A full-blown celebrity talked to me!" Rosy chirped excitedly.
Now you're probably wondering how Rosie got her brother off her back for liking Kidz bop. Well you see she kinda lied to him and acted like a Kidz bop hater to make him leave her alone about the music. so of course she couldn't tell him who she was really talkin about. but she thought surely the first name would be okay. "Her name is Ahnya. A-H-N-Y-A. She is a full-blown celebrity and she just said something to me." Rosie said happily. Her brother looked at her skeptically.
"I've never heard of that name I'm looking her up." He said. He got out of his phone and looked up her name. Rosie watched nervously. He surely cannot find her after that little bit of information could he?
But she was wrong.
"Did Kidz bop buy Google or something? the only person I could find was this stupid Kidz bop kid. Ahnya o Ryan? It sounds like an Irish name. And look at all these weird names related. Cooper hounshell. Sounds like the name of an assassin and Isaiah Morgan? Who even is......"
Her brother stopped mid-sentence.
"These are all Kidz bop brats aren't they?"
He looked at Rosie. And glared suspiciously. So she quickly came up with a lie. "It definitely isn't her. You know I hate Kidz bop. You've known that for years" Rosie told him. But upstairs in her room she began to think to herself. "He made fun of them. And I let him do it. I don't want to go to the concert while pretending to be something I'm not. I want to go to the concert proud of who I am. I'm a Kidz bop fan for Pete's sake. And I don't want people to think of me as anything else. So Rosie went downstairs. And she put on her voice recorder (mostly because she wanted evidence in case things went wrong) and then she told her brother the truth. She was not a Kidz bop hater and she never stopped liking Kidz bop.
her brother stared at her for a few moments. then he told her he thought of her as worthless
" So it's that frickin Kidz bop brat? Just don't tell me about your Stuff anymore. I don't think I could think of you as any more worthless than I do now. Kidz bop and those kids are worthless and have no talent!!!!" He screamed at her
Then a huge fight pursued. and Rosie found herself sticking up for the new kids. but in the end her brother won and she went up to her room to cry. and worst of all it turned out the kid hadn't even really spoken to her! They were just commenting on the video. Rosie was still ignored just like always. After she got done She began to think about what just happened.
"what the heck just happened. They're not even my favorite group. They're my least favorite group. I gave up my whole 10-year secret just to stick up for them! Why did I do that?
Then she thought about it for a moment.
"Hmmm. Maybe I don't dislike them as much as I thought"

Here's the voice recording I got 😢

Kidz Bop Hates Me (a Kidz bop horror story)Where stories live. Discover now