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Now that Rosie had met the Kidz bop kids in person she hoped really badly that they would speak to her. So whenever one of the kids birthday went by she would make a video and wait excitedly in hopes that they would comment. she even commented on their YouTube channel in hopes that they will reply, But Rosie was ignored every time. And she began to wonder why.
"Maybe they did notice my comments. Maybe they do know that I used to hate them and now they hate me maybe that's why they're ignoring me!" Rosie thought. She felt like she was going to cry. She didn't want this to be the reason. She began to think of other reasons too. Maybe it was because she was much older than the typical Kidz bop fan. If that was the reason she would never get one of the kids to talk to her! At least if they hated her maybe she could at least get the next group to talk to her. Rosie's wasn't sure what she wanted. The 4th of July went by. Then Halloween. Finally it was Christmas time 2019. And Rosie began talking with what she presumed to be one of her subscribers. The subscriber introduced herself as Layla. And it wasn't long before they became friends. The subscriber said that they were 11 years old and a HUGE Kidz bop fan. Which Rosie didn't doubt considering they were subscribed to her Kidz bop YouTube channel. But something was bugging her. There was a Kidz bop kid named Layla and she was about 11 years old. Was this the Kidz bop kid She had been waiting to talk to her? Then she got even more suspicious after the Kidz bop kid Layla's birthday went by. And Rosie made her a video.
And then her subscriber commented this:

Happy birthday Kidz bop me? Rosie decided to investigate

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Happy birthday Kidz bop me? Rosie decided to investigate.
She decided to be blunt about it.
"Are you Layla the Kidz bop kid?"
She asked her friend online.
Her friend laughed.
"No, I wish. I'm not as beautiful as her is. I'm just me."
She replied.
Rosie looked at her skeptically was this really who she said she was? Rosie told her brother about her new online friend.
"You know you never really know who you're talkin to online" her brother said.
"She says she's an 11 year old and her name is Layla." Rosie said
"But I don't quite buy it"
"I don't either. For all you know she could be a naked 40 year old man jerking off to every text you send him in his mom's basement." Her brother said grinning.
"EWWWWW!!!!" Rosie shrieked.
"No way!!! That's gross!!! And if he was really masturbating in his mom's basement, don't you think his mom would have caught him by now!"
"Not if he killed his mom. I can just see it. you're texting your little friend and he's just sitting in his mom's basement naked smearing the blood from his mom's corpse all over his naked body while he jacks off." Rosie's brother chuckled.
"EWWWWW!!! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!! I don't wanna picture that!!!" Rosie yelled.
"Well for all you know that could be what's happening." Her brother pointed out.
"It's not likely but it could be."
He grinned at her. And Rosie rolled her eyes.
Rosie continued to talk to her friend. Eventually she learned that her name really wasn't Layla. It was Sadie. And she was auditioning soon so she could be a Kidz bop kid herself. Sadie told Rosie that her favorite groups was the 3rd generation Matt bredia Grant and Ashlynn and the 2017 Kidz bop kids. She said that she looked up to Juliana the most. And she had a huge crush on Jacob (the person that Rosie almost accidentally skipped when shaking hands) and Freddy (the 2017 kid who Rosie had secretly nicknamed Hat boy)
Rosie wasn't surprised that her favorite kids were the 2017 kids, she was a younger fan. It just made sense to her. Rosie's favorite group was the 2nd generation kids (Dana Valerie and Kira) and the 3rd generation. She looked up to Ashlynn and Bredia the most. She was an older fan so that made sense to her too. Rosie enjoyed talking to her friend a lot, she never had anyone to talk about Kidz bop things with before so this was really nice. now whenever she had a problem on her YouTube channel she could ask her friend about it. Or if she found a Kidz bop song she really liked she could tell her friend about it and she wouldn't get annoyed glares and eyes rolled at her. Eventually Rosie told her friend about her problem with the kids.
" I had Isaiah talk to me a few times. He just randomly messaged me one day. I jumped up on my bed squealing when he did that. Maybe I could get him to have one of the kids talk to you. "
"OMG I would love that!" Rosie squealed.
"Olivia is my favorite kid is there any chance you would get her to talk to me?" Rosie asked.
"I can try." Her friend replied.
Rosie waited excitedly she kept uploading new videos and talking to her friend. Christmas soon came and went. Now it was January. Rosie made a birthday video for Juliana. She hoped with all her might that she would say something to her. But she got nothing. She began to wonder if they really did hate her.
So one day she asked her friend about it.
"She is my idol she would never hate you. I would be surprised if any of the kids are actually hated you." Her friend said.
But Rosie wasn't too sure. She got on Instagram. Just commenting on the kids posts and letting them know how much she adored them. They ignored her every time. But it was okay because Rosie was used to this. Then one day Rosie commented on one of the new Kidz bop kids posts. So far she has been saying long lengthy messages. But this one was just quick and short. And then what happened next completely shocked her.

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