Sierra and Freddy find out the truth

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Rosie was scared of the 2017 Kidz bop kids. She didn't want to admit it but it was true. So she told her friend about it. "Why do you think that? Is it because of what you said." She asked. "Yes." Rosie typed back. "I don't know what to do if they ever found out who I truly am they would totally hate me I'm sure of it." She sighed.
Her friend thought for a moment. "I put up a post about it on my Instagram." Rosie continued. "I just basically said I'm making a birthday video for Freddy  but I don't want to tag him because I'm scared of him  and I don't want him to cuss me out. I think he hates me. "
Rosie stared sadly at her feet.
"Tell them." Her friend texted back. "Tag them in your post let them know."
"WHAT. I can't let them know that it would hurt their feelings!" Rosie protested.
"you got to because I know if you let them know about it, they would do everything they could to make sure you know that they don't hate you." Sadie smiled as she typed this and take a sip of her hot cocoa.
Rosie looked nervously around her room.
"I can't I just can't." She typed.
"you must if you don't have the courage to tag them in your post and I will not have the courage to kiss my crush freddy. Do you really want that on your conscience?"
"Well no I suppose not I guess I could but I'm still skeptical about this they could block me after all..." Rosie Mumbled as she typed back.
"They won't block you I promise." Her friend happily typed. "Just wait and see. I'm sure that they'll make sure that you know that they don't hate you."
her friend sipped her hot cocoa some more while Rosie thought to herself. Then slowly Rosie got on Instagram and changed her post to tag the kids. Rosie hoped it wouldn't work but after she save the changes she saw both the tags in blue and knew it was too late. She shrieked in absolute horror. NOW THEY KNEW.

Rosie waited in anticipation for what they would say

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Rosie waited in anticipation for what they would say.
While she waited somebody friendly came along and typed her some words of advice.
Here's what they said.
"If that boy cusses you out then he's clearly a dick. And you shouldn't want anything to do with him. same with the girl. I know it hurts to have them hate you but you know they're going to leave soon and hopefully the next group will be nicer and like you. After all hope is the only thing keeping this world going."
Rosie smiled as she read this comment. She didn't need to be afraid of them this person would keep her safe she knew it.
Feeling safe at last Rosie fell asleep.

Kidz Bop Hates Me (a Kidz bop horror story)Where stories live. Discover now