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Sierra groaned as she saw yet another comment from the infamous Kidzbopandroses. She angrily glared at the post before just clicking like. Sierra was mildly amused by the person. she was posting up admiring words just like everyone else but Sierra knew better.
"You think I'm going to forgive you after everything you said and done just by you acting like you admire us? Pa-lease!!" She mumbled to herself as she looked at all her comments. She told all the other kids about the post she had been tagged in to. Even though they didn't like Kidzbopandroses either a lot of them had just decided to like her Comments anyway. They often liked all their comments of support So they saw no reason to quit doing that. Freddy was the opposite. He was infuriated about what the YouTuber was doing. And he was more infuriated that he couldn't do anything about it now.
"That stupid commenter made it so I can't cuss out that fricking B*tch!" He loudly complained.
"Just block her then." Sierra replied.
"I can't, I'm so angry right now I just have to get her back for this."
Freddy began to think of things he could do to that commenter.
He would cuss them out so badly for making him not be able to cuss out that accursed YouTuber without looking like a dick.
Then he was going for the YouTuber he didn't care anymore.
Freddy did all his research on this supposed commenter but he couldn't find anything. So he just laid in wait ignoring the occasional comments on his Instagram from this Kidzbopandroses person.
"Go ahead and keep commenting on my posts. I will NEVER like them and I will NEVER comment back again!!!!"
Freddy glared at the instagrammer with anger.
"You might have fooled everyone else but you're not fooling me. NEVER. "

Meanwhile over in Canada Liv which was short for Olivia was enjoying herself in the snow with the other kids. She had taken lots of pictures and put them on her Instagram. she checked her notifications and noticed she got a comment from the infamous Instagramer she had heard about. She stared at the comment for a few seconds. The other children were liking the person's comments. They didn't care who she was they were just happy to get support from anyone and everyone that gave it to them. It's not like they weren't getting enough of course. They just enjoyed being admired and famous. She smiles to herself and starts to shut off her phone. When suddenly she was hit by a snowball. She looked up to see her attacker and saw Isaiah grinning happily at her.
"Oh I'm still getting you back for that!" She giggled as she wiped snow from her phone. She prepares to scoop up some snow before realizing something. While she was wiping the snow off she accidentally liked the person's comment.
"Isaiah look at this! Look what you made me do!" She said in shock.
He came over to investigate. "Everyone else is liking her comments too. it doesn't mean we like her. It's fine. just leave it she's already gotten the notification anyway."
He told her.
"Oh. I guess. but seriously! I'm so getting you back" She playfully shoved him in the snow.
"What's your problem?" He asked her.
"Nothing. I'm cold now. let's just go inside." She told him.
They head inside. Isaiah was now freezing cold he was covered in snow. he whipped out his phone and checked his Instagram to see that he had also gotten a comment from the YouTuber.
"Is it cold up there in Canada?"
She had commented.
Isaiah thought of the snow he had to dig out of his underpants now.
"Yup." He thought bitterly as he replied.

" He thought bitterly as he replied

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