Rosie is a girl who has loved Kidz bop since 2009. but in 2017 for the first time in her life she did not like the kids. in fact she did not like them at all. now it is 2020 she does not hate them as much as she used to and...
Sierra poured herself some coffee and turned on her phone. She Combed her hair as it turned on. She yawns sleepily and goes to check her fundraiser first. Her eyes glitter brightly as she looks at all the people who donated to her Cancer fundraiser. Then she goes to check Instagram. She looks at all the different posts from all the people she follows. She happily likes them and comments on a couple. Then she notices her notifications. She smiles warmly she was always getting tagged in stuff. So she thought for sure this was no different. She clicks on her notifications. And looks at all the comments and posts tagging her telling her how much she was admired and everything. Then she sees the last one. It was a post from a girl called Kidzbopandroses. She shrugs. She'd seen this person commenting on the other kids posts so she really wasn't worried. She clicked on the post. And began to read the words.
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"So she's shy. I've dealt with insecure fans before it's fine." Sierra thought. But this post is about Freddy why am I tagged in this? She kept reading.
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"That YouTube channel........." She murmured to herself. "It can't be.........." "Aw man!" She groaned. "It's this person again! I can't believe she has an Instagram." She sighs."it's bad enough she's always annoying us on YouTube now she's going to be annoying us on here. Ugh." She shook her head. She didn't mind the other fans, she actually enjoyed listening to their words of admiration. But this fan was different. This fan was unique. She drew pictures of them and animated little videos. And worst of all she was pretty sure this fan did not like her or the rest of the 2017 kids. She saw the comments. And she was not pleased. And she could see the girl showing some of her dislike in some of the videos she made. She rolled her eyes and kept reading.
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"SHE'S SCARED OF US?!?" Sierra yelled. She glared at the post in anger. "We have every right to be angry at her. If she thinks we don't have a right to hate her after everything she's said, she's crazy. And she should be scared! Ugh!" Sierra whipped out her contacts and began to text freddy. "Hey Freddy." She typed to him. "Did you see that post that you got tagged in on Instagram" "Hey Sierra. not yet I'm still eating breakfast and I get tagged in a lot of stuff on Instagram. " He replied. "You remember that really annoying YouTuber that animates videos of us and such." She texted "Oh God what did she do now?" Sierra could just see him sighing as he typed to her. "Well she has an Instagram now and she just tagged both me and you in a post." Sierra ran her fingers Thur her hair as she typed. "THAT LITTLE TWERP! You're kidding! now I got to worry about her on Instagram! Let's just block her it's so much easier!" Freddy replied angrily. "She says she's scared of us. And she thinks you're going to cuss her out." Sierra continued. "Well then. If that's what it takes to get her to leave us alone so be it." Freddy responded. Over at his house there were piles and piles of video games stuff. Freddie loved playing video games and he loved eating Cheetos while he did it. He angrily went on Instagram and looked at the post.
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"So you don't really want to hurt anyone's feelings huh?" He scuffed. "Well you hurt everybody's feelings by existing ya little b*tch!" He glared at the post hatefully. He was already thinking about all the colorful words he was going to use in his comment. He was just about to comment before he noticed one of the other comments. "If freddy cusses you out that makes him a dick. Same with the girl. And you know what you don't even need them. they are leaving soon and soon there will be the fifth generation of Kidz bop and hopefully they will be a lot nicer and like you a lot better than the last group. After all hope is the only thing keeping this world going." It said. Freddy stood there in shock. He couldn't cuss her out now it would make him look bad. He glared at this person who commented on her post. who even was she? He took out his phone and began to text Sierra. "I can't cuss her out look at this person who commented on her post it'll make me look bad." "Should we just block her instead" Sierra replied. "She might tell people. We should probably just ignore her. That's what I'm going to do." Freddy typed "Okay but im telling the others. They need to know. " Sierra took a sip of her coffee as she typed. "I'm already telling my best friend Isaiah." Freddy replied.