Just her least favorite group

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Rosie spent many nights hanging out with her friend Robin. She spent the night countless times. 1 time she was exploring YouTube looking for new songs to listen to. And she came across a song that she was absolutely obsessed with. The song was called that's what I like. It was one by the new kids.

Even though Rosie was now listening to the new music she was still certain that the new kids were her least favorite group. Though she was secretly glad that she took off the boycott. How else would she have found this amazingly catchy song? Rosie was still untrustworthy of the kids though. I mean what are their dark sides like? Did they ever get..........angry? Was this something she needed to worry about? Rosie knew all their music videos and challenges were all just acting. she didn't want to see what they were pretending to be like. she wanted to see what they were really like. So she put on a brave face, And she started watching some of their blog videos. Rosie started with Cooper's account. And whenever she felt anxious she closed her eyes and hid under her sheets. Most of the time she just listened to his videos of him talking. Half the time that ended up being a very bad idea. He liked to put random dramatic sound cues in his videos. It was interesting seeing what they look like offset. Offset they looked just like normal children. Their hair was slightly messy, their eyes were slightly tired, and they played and messed around just like normal children. But Rosie was still curious. What were the children like angry? And worst of all what would they be like if they were angry.............at her?!?!?
Rosie knew her opinions of them Weren't exactly private. Whenever somebody said there acapella wasn't good she would agree with them! whenever somebody made fun of the new kids, just the new kids not any of the kids before, She would giggle along too. She felt especially horrible about that! but she couldn't help it. they were her least favorite group what could she do? She couldnt Listen to their music and then make fun of them that was just wrong! She hated herself for that. And she couldn't help but Wonder if somewhere out there 6 kids were watching the comments being posted on the videos. And potentially reading hers. "Would they hate me if they read my comments?" Rosie wondered.
"Who cares you hate them anyway. They're your least favorite group for a reason." a small voice said.
"But what if they get angry at me? I don't know what they're like when they're angry." Rosie replied.
"So what you still don't like them and it's not like they can find you." The voice responded.
" What if I do start to like them and then they see what I did and they hate me for it?" Rosie responded.
"You promised yourself that you would never like that group. You're not going back on your word are you?" The voice asked.
"Well............." Rosie started
"I don't even know you anymore." The voice spat before disappearing back inside her head.

Kidz Bop Hates Me (a Kidz bop horror story)Where stories live. Discover now