Chapter 01 -- Summer Camp

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"Kia! Kia, wake up. Its our first day of summer camp!"

Kaida groggily blinked against the sun streaming through the open cabin door, and then defiantly rolled onto her stomach. "Go away."

"Get your lazy ass out of bed, roll call is in 15 minutes. You will get extra laps if youre late." Jesse walked from the cabin door to the foot of Kias bunk and grabbed her by the ankle.

"Let go! I dont care if I get extra laps, I want to sleep. Ahhhhh!!" Kia yelped as Jesse pulled her toward the foot of the bed. 

Ten minutes later, a sulking Kia stood in line with all the other brats with whom she was forced to spend her summers. Jesse stood next to her, practically quivering with anticipation. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Kia whispered out of the corner of her mouth as the Major strode from his office toward them.

"This is our third year here!"


"So, we're going to go out on the trail today, and we get to go with Sergeant Hottie!!"

Kia rolled her eyes and sighed. This would be great! Notice the sarcasm. Sergeant Hollister always took the older camp members out on an overnight expedition the first day of camp. He had classic good looks, but he was a pervert and WAY too old. 

"Jesse," she said with a little exasperation, "the creep leers at 13 year old girls. And he has to be at least 40!"

"Well, Im 17, so he can leer at me all he wants."

"Ugh. I didn't need to hear that. Just promise me you wont do anything with him."

"Duh. Im not a slut. But that doesn't mean I can't look at him." She sighed dreamily.

The major was walking back in forth in front of the assembled line, pausing whenever he came to a newcomer and staring down at the hapless victim. He was trying to intimidate the kids, and succeeding. Several of the kids were quivering and whimpering by the time he got to them. He veered back away from the line and addressed the group. 

"For this summer, you runts belong to me. I WILL make men and women of you by the time you leave and go back to your Mommies and Daddies." He went on shouting insults and issuing threats for another half hour. It was very cliche. Kia stood at attention however, making herself stand straight and look forward. Most of those threats were exaggerated, but she knew the kind of punishment he would dish out to anyone who looked bored or inattentive.

Eventually the younger camp members shuffled off for some intensive drills and the older members were gathering around the officers who were assigned the duty of leading them around for a day and a half. 

To Kias disgust and Jesses delight, they were both assigned to be in the group of five that would be tagging along with Lieutenant Hollister. Kia noted with disdain that all five of them were pretty and very female. 

As Kia trudged with Jesse toward their cabin to get their bedrolls, she felt a familiar male voice invade her thoughts.

Come on, he can't be that bad. Though he does look a little creepy.

Oh, so now you can see with my eyes too?

No, it's just how I picture him. And your thoughts do project a vague image.

Argh! I don't care, you're not real.

Keep telling yourself that. Maybe if you think it enough times it'll come true.

Shut up! And maybe Hollister is really gorgeous. He is after all known as Lieutenant Hottie

It doesn't matter what he looks like, you want me.

No, I can't want a figment of my imagination. And besides, I dont know what you look like.

You will soon.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Kia waited, but no response was forthcoming. She sighed, catching Jesses attention.

"Whats wrong, Kia?"

"Nothing." Kia had told no one about the voice that had invaded her thoughts six months earlier. Any authorities would think she was crazy and send her to the padded white rooms in a straight jacket. 

"Well, hurry up. We're going to be late." She said as she rushed over to her bunk and grabbed her bag and her bedroll. 

Kia followed suit and soon found herself lined up with Jesse and the other three girls in front of Lieutenant Hott- Lieutenant Sicko. 

"Okay, girls. Everyone here? Alright, lets head off. We're going to follow the cliff trail, so," he jerked his head toward the trail, "this way." He started off down the trail, whistling some old army tune.

Why do my parents have to be in the military, Kia muttered as they filed off toward the cliff, bedrolls and packs strapped to their backs. Why do the have to send me to military summer camp?


Tell me what you think! I promise it'll get better, this is just an introduction. We'll get the the saving the world in later chapters ^_^ 

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