Chapter 03 -- Who... what are you?

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Kia explained what had happened at the cave to Jesse as they crept through the dark path back to the base. She told her everything, except for what the voice had said, or that it existed.

The Voice? Is that my title?

Its either that or Figment 

Hmmm well, my name is Justin.

Too late, I cant name a disembodied voice. You are officially Figment. Figgy for short. 

Excuse me. Figgy? I forbid you to call me Figgy 

A made up voice in my head cannot forbid me to do anything. 

How can you call me made up after all Ive done for you? Have you seen any sign of someone following you?

No. I feel bad about leaving him with those three girls. 

Hes not going to do anything to three girls together. He wont take any more chances. Hes probably already stressed about what you will say to authorities. Or hes trying to think of a way to discredit you, a way to make you look like youre lying. 


They stumbled into the grounds at about 1:00 a.m. and headed straight toward the Majors private cabin. Kia knocked hesitantly on the door. She was a little afraid of the Major. 

They heard some shuffling around and then the sound of something falling to the floor followed by a muffled curse. Then suddenly the door swung open and a very tired and disgruntled Major glared blearily out at them. "What the devil?!?" He barked.

"Sorry to disturb you, sir, but..." Kia shifted uncomfortably. "Can can we talk to you about about Sergeant Hollister?"

The Major stared at them for a second and then backed up and let them through the door. "I was afraid something like this would happen. I never liked the bastard."

Wow, the Major never spoke ill of his brothers in arms to lowly recruits well, sort of recruits. 

They stepped into the spacious quarters and stood awkwardly, glancing furtively around the room. "Umm sir, tonight we... what I mean to say is..." Kia trailed off lamely, unable to bring the words forth. It hadnt really struck her until that moment exactly what had happened. 

"Sergeant Hollister?" The Major prompted gently.

"Yes sir, he... I... the cave... he tried to rape me." The last part came out a bit rushed, but Major deciphered it and his face turned grim. 

"If youre lying to me you understand that allegations like that can ruin a mans life?"

"Yes, I understand. Im telling the truth. " Major peered into Kias eyes intently, then he sighed and looked toward the cabin door.

"Alright. You girls have probably had little if any sleep, so head on over to your respective cabins and we will sort this all out tomorrow. Good night."

Obviously dismissed, Kia gave Major the rifle and she and Jesse trudged back to their cabin. They were the only occupants seeing as the rest of their cabin mates were camping out in the wilderness somewhere.

That was when things started to get weird.

Jesse was asleep in seconds, but Kia found it difficult to do so. She was counting the number of ceiling boards when she heard a sound like small growl and felt something land on her stomach. 

She stopped from shrieking at the last second and slowly tilted her head forward to look down at her stomach. Her eyes came to rest on a huge Guinea Pig, no not a guinea pig, a bat, or a rodent with furry wings. Whatever the guinea pig with wings was, Kia was working herself up to a panic attack.

As she was nearing her screaming point, the Winged Rodent crawled up toward her face and started to nuzzle her. 

Calm down, hes supposed to be there. 

In what way!?! 

Hes like a pet, only way smarter and empathic.


Empathic, he can read your emotions, and convey his to you. Kind of like you and me, except for feelings instead of thought. 

She watched cautiously as it curled into a ball on her chest, perfectly content. Then a wisp of smoke curled out of its mouth. Holy crap, it breathes fire.

Only on bad guys. 

The thing lifted its head and looked directly into her eyes with bright golden ones of its own. The eyes nicely contrasted against its lustrous black fur. 

Who... what are you?

The things eyes were boring into hers. She suddenly felt a calming sensation fall come over her, and she drifted off into a deep sleep, troubled only by carefree dreams of her running and playing with the winged creature in a meadow. 

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