Chapter 09 -- Why are you kissing the guy who wants to destroy the world?

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They pulled up a block from headquarters just as the sun was dipping below the horizon. 

You go inside, babe. Tell them I was already gone when you got there. I'll stay outside. Try to find some way to lure Tully outside so that we can question him. 

Aye aye, Cap'n. 

Kia pulled away from the curb again, leaving him there, and drove up to the storage house, parking her car in the slot next to the awesome motorcycle. When she walked into the dining house, everyone was already seated and having dinner. 

"Back already?" Commander Rilson asked around a mouthful of potato dumpling.

"Yeah," Kia said absentmindedly eyeing their plates. "There is more of that, right?"

"Oh, heavens yes, dear. Ill be right back with a plate," Miss March bustled out of the room to get Kias plate.

"Well?" Rilson asked pointedly, as Kia took a seat between Byron Tully, who was looking a little wary, and Alex, who was looking very pleased. 

"He wasn't there, he'd already left. I talked to the desk guy though, and he said that Justin was driving a white suburban. They have security cameras, but I have to cut through some red tape to get them. I think I can have them by tomorrow afternoon, and then we can get a liscence plate number."

The commander looked pleased. "You are doing an excellent job, I knew you would. I think when this is done, if the world isn't being controlled and warped by a maniacal super being, then we'll send you to college. You will be an excellent agent, but you'll be even better with higher education, and we can probably get you a high place in the government as a cover."

Hey! How come I'm not being sent to college? 

Because you're too stupid to benefit from higher education. 

Watch it. I'll outrank you when I come back, after we clear my name and catch Tully. You don't want me giving you shit assignments, do you? 

I'll be in college, not getting assignments from you. She visualized her sticking her tongue out at him. 


Can you think of anything besides sex? 

Sure, I think of food and massages too. 


Yeah. Wanna give me a massage? You can see my sexy naked self. 

I don't WANT to see your sexy naked self. It was just a little lie.

So you like it with clothes on? 

She thought about that for a second. Wouldn't that be uncomfortable? 

He laughed. We'll try it and find out. 

"So, Byron... It is Byron isnt it?... what exactly do you do around here?" She took a bite of the delicious potato dumplings that Miss March had set in front of her, before resuming her own seat at the head of the table. She would have thought that the commander would sit at the head, but Miss March had complete and utter control over everything in the dining house. 

He kept his eyes on his plate and mumbled something about using the bathroom before he quickly rose and scurried out of the room.

"That was weird," Alex commented, watching him leave with a puzzled frown. He smiled down at Kia, "he must get nervous around beautiful women."

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