Chapter 15 -- So I have to bring him home to Dad?

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This is the finale of this story, but I've already started on the sequel, so it's not over.


Kia and Justin slipped out after the Rilson, leaving Miss March fuming and chained in her chair. They walked to the living quarters in companionable silence, mulling over what had happened. 

Kia stepped into her room, kicking off her shoes, and then looked over her shoulder with narrowed eyes when Justin followed her, shutting the door. He merely raised an eyebrow at her glare and then went into her bathroom and shut the door.

Excuse me? 


I believe that this is MY room. Don't you have your own? 

I like yours better. 


It has you. 

Awww, how sweet. It actually was very sweet, but he was trying to manipulate her. She noticed that she was smiling in pleasure and thought wryly that it was working.

I'm not manipulating you, I'm charming you. 

Same difference. 

Nah, if Im manipulating you it's without emotion. I'm charming you because what I say is honest, and said with love. 

Kia smiled again. Alright, you can stay with me. But... but I don't... I've never done THAT before. And I don't think I'm ready yet. 

It's alright. I know you're not ready, and I'll wait. But I'll still try my hand at seducing you. We'll get there eventually, pretty soon if I know my skill. 

Kia flushed, she felt as though the room was too stuffy. I've got to get out of here, I need air. 

You're trying to escape. It's alright, but I'll be with your mind wherever you go, so it's wasted effort. 

Kia left and wandered outside. She rolled up her pants and set on the edge of the pool, dangling her feet in the water. She was nervous about sex, not really ready for it. But she felt whole whenever she was with Justin, which was all the time since he could read her thoughts. 

She looked toward the house where she had left him, aware that he could probably hear everything she was thinking now. Why couldn't she hear everything he was thinking? He'd said before that she had the ability, but he hadn't showed her how. He didn't like the idea of her reading his every thought whenever she felt like it. 

Well that was too bad. He did it to her. 

She tried to reach out to his mind, instead of waiting for his thoughts to appear there. She had tried it before, with no result, but this time she pushed through. She could suddenly hear him in her head, clearer than she had before.

She's trying to read my thoughts. What would she find in my head? Visions of her naked? No, I have to project images. But what about thoughts like, 'I wish I had her naked and under me.' It might make her more skittish. And lord knows I want her naked and under me. 

Kia blushed, her heart racing, and quickly retreated. Then she went back.

Kia? You can hear me can't you? 

Yeah. She paused for a second, processing everything. Umm... one question. 

What's that? 

What makes you think I'll be under you? Maybe I want the top. 

He laughed, and his voice in her head dropped to a husky whisper. Baby, you haven't tried it yet. As the one with experience, I get to choose. And I like to be in charge. 

Kia felt heat move through her, and she withdrew her mind again, blushing furiously. 


Kia turned around and saw Alex walking toward her carrying a sheaf of papers. "Hi Alex."

"What's wrong, youre as red as a tomato." 

"It's too hot out," she lied, not missing a beat.

He looked up at an overcast sky. And back down at her. "Yeah, real hot."

"Maybe I have a screwed up inner thermometer."

He laughed and crouched next to her. "I was looking for the Commander, but since I found you I might as well tell you some things."

"What things?"

"Well, the summer is almost over. You'll have to go back with your parents in a few days. Your camp is still covering for us, because we have top security government powers at out control, but your parents are a different matter. 

"Now that the situation is over with, we'll be taking you out of fieldwork and placing you in training. The Commander wants to send you to college; we'll pull strings and place you in Princeton, since its nearby. And we are going to get you a personal trainer to get you in physical shape and teach you how to defend yourself. You can't tell anyone about the organization. Not your friends, not your family. Got all that?"

Kia was staring at him. "Yeah, you're sending me back?" She hadn't thought about it. After all that had happened in the past few weeks, she hadn't thought about ever going back to her parents; her life with them seemed like someone else's.

He grinned. "Yeah. But its cool to have a secret this huge to hide from them. I know that sounds petty, but when I go home to my parents and they ask me condescendingly about my job as a lowly janitor/technician I feel like I'm in on something that they aren't. Which is true."

Kia smiled at him. She didn't see her parents that much, they were usually away on military business, and she didn't really care enough about them to feel superiority toward them. Or whatever he felt toward his parents. Her parents were strangers really.

Alex got up. "Well, I better give these papers to Rilson. You head back to camp in the day after tomorrow. Justin will probably give you a ride, since you can't very well take a new car home with you." He saluted her and walked off toward one of the houses.

I'm going back home. 

Dont worry. I'll still be with you in your mind. And I'll even go visit you. 

You can't visit me. What would my parents say? 

Probably ask what my intentions are. 

And how do we know each other? 

We met in camp, and I thought you were hot. Now we're engaged. 

That'll go over big. But she was glad that he was planning on seeing her while she was in 'training.'

You didn't think I would abandon you? Were soul mates, I would go crazy without you. 

Kia smiled, wondering what her dad would make of Justin. Probably try to intimidate him with his military stance and then belittle him and scare him away. He was in for a surprise, though, if he did try that on Justin. Justin would not take verbal abuse lying down. 

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