Chapter 04 -- Ash the Knewl.

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Kia awoke with a yelp as sharp teeth dug into her index finger. She blinked down at reproachful green eyes. "Huh?" She felt a wave of annoyance and hunger that was not her own pass over her.

"You hungry?" The thing purred and its eyes turned loving as it rubbed against the same hand it had bitten two seconds earlier. 

Kia was having a hard time excepting some strange creature forcing its emotions on her, but it was so cute. And she couldn't very well let it starve, could she?

She scooped it up and set it on her pillow as she got dressed. "Now, if Im going to feed you then I suppose I have to name you," she said in a muffled voice as she pulled a black hoodie on over her army fatigues. 

"I named mine Ember, but shes a girl and shes white."

Kia yelped and jumped, banging her knee on the side of her bunk, which caused her to curse and hop around rubbing her sore knee. She usually wasn't startled by his- Justin's- sudden invasions into her consciousness, but she had been so absorbed in the thing's eyes.

Kia's commotion roused a sleepy and disgruntled Jesse. "Whats wrong with you Kia? Its gotta be six oclock in the morning."

"Sorry I couldnt sleep," she said as she stomped back toward her bunk.

"Well go 'not sleep' somewhere else," Jesse said as she turned over on her stomach and stuffed a pillow over her head. 

"Yeah, sorry. Im just going to head to the kitchens." She scooped the thing up off her pillow and stuffed it into her hoodie pocket. 

Dont do that again. Jerk.

Dont do what?

Scare the bejeezus out of me!! 

A little jumpy are we?


She heard him snicker in her head, causing her to sniff and stomp off toward the kitchens. The newbies were already roused and taken forcefully from their cabins to start drills. She was supposed to be gone and therefore was not required to do these early morning exercises. 

She stomped up a little hill and entered the dining hall. She crossed to the opposite end and entered the door to the kitchens.

Making sure that the cook was occupied, she snitched two rolls and some butter packets before sidling back out.

She hiked a ways away from the main grounds and found a sunny knoll to sit upon. She pulled out the creature and sat it on her lap. It eyed the food, and the emotional waves it gave off were slightly devious. 

All right, all right, Kia laughed and tore off half a roll and placed it in front of him/her. She picked it up and looked underneath quickly. Definitely a him. 

So Ive got to name you. She considered it for a second as it nibbled on the bread. How about Pip. She felt a wave of mortification sweep over her. She laughed and said, Okay, okay. Not Pip. Well, Figgys is named Ember, how about Ash? You could match.

She didnt feel much of any emotion that time, which she took to be a good sign. Ash it is then. She slathered butter onto her roll, and scarfed it down.

Just to warn you, youll have company later today.

What kind of company 

Shes our commander, the commander of those of us with talents. Just dont let on anything about me. Shes sort of hunting me down right now. Shes not a bad person though. 

You mean theres more people who can talk through their minds together? 

No, not many of us have that talent. In fact, were the only ones I know of or have heard of. They have other talents. You do too, you just dont have the fuel yet to get them going. 

Okay, well get back to that. Why is she hunting you? 

Because I stole that fuel. It was all for very good reasons though. She just doesnt know that. I really havent been able to trust anyone, except you. 

How do you know you can trust me? Im a very untrustworthy person. 

Because I can see into your mind. Id be able to tell if youre lying. And also, you know nothing of our kind yet, so you couldnt be involved in any of these nefarious acts Ive been investigating..

Oh. And this commander lady might be involved? And how did she find me? 

Its possible shes involved. She tracked Ash. All the Knewls- thats what theyre called- are born and raised under our supervision, and when one is called, they follow to find out who did the calling. 

So I called Ash? When? 

Probably yesterday, when that perv was trying to rape you. They respond to duress. You subconsciously called out and he responded. Damn, I hate shopping. 

Excuse me? 

Sorry, Im trying to buy some shoes for a trek into the hills. How am I supposed to know which boots are better? 

What do they look like? 

Images of boots started to appear in her mind, one at a time. She watched them go by in her head like a slide show, until she saw a pair she liked.

Wait! Those last ones. Yeah, those. They are stylish and durable. Theyll make you look hot. 

I dont need boots to make me look hot, but thanks. I should take you shopping with me more often. 

Kia suddenly heard her name being bellowed from the direction of the Command cabin, where all the camp leaders congregated. 

Remember, youve never heard of me. Nobody knows I speak to anyone in my head, and theyll just use you to find me. 

Roger that. Over and out. 

Kia scooped Ash up, who squeaked in protest, having dropped his unfinished roll. She picked it up and put it along with Ash in her hoodie pocket. She felt him project his peevishness, but he settled back into eating without further complaint. 


How was it? Boring? I know it's taking a while to get to the point, but we'll get there. I promise ~_^ 

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