Chapter 06 -- So is he the hot good guy or the sexy bad guy?

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Kia jammed her keys into the ignition and started the motor. Oh, God (or essence?) How I love this car She rolled down all her window and turned the radio on full blast. 

Since she had no idea where headquarters were, she followed Commander Rilson, singing to her music and tapping on the steering wheel. Surprisingly, the Commander wasn't that slow of a driver. She was actually kind of a speed demon, so Kia did not have to crawl along at a snail's pace. 

So, how do you plan to find me?

I really don't know. I failed that P.I. class, and I only found my brother because he called me and told me where he was. I told everyone else that I found him using my amazing investigating skills. 

Hahaha. Well, good luck finding me. I'm VERY good at hiding. 

I don't suppose you'd just tell me? 

Right. Only if you'll have sex with me. 


What do you mean 'ew,' you were just drooling over the image of my body. You think I'm sexy. 

That doesn't mean I want to have sex with you. I'm a lesbian. 

You can't EVEN try that one on me. As a resident of you mind, I can tell you like men. Me especially. 

God!! I've never even met you. I thought your picture was flattering, but Brad Pitt is way hotter. Now if he were proposing to have sex... 

I am so sexier than Brad Pitt. I was offered his part in Oceans Eleven but had to turn it down because of my work with the organization. 

Sure. Now, about you telling me where to find you. 

You have to wait long enough to make it look like you actually did some work to find me. They'll be suspicious if you just run off after a lead right when you get there. 

So I have to do nothing and look like I'm doing something for how long? 

You won't be doing nothing. I'll have you researching stuff for me. Dont worry I'll walk you through it. I would do it myself, but I dont have access to the organization's equipment. This'll be for about a month. 

How do I know youre not what Rilson says you are? 

Who do you trust more? You can look into my mind too, babe. You can discern if I'm telling the truth. 

I can look into your mind? How? 

On second thought, I dont know if I like the idea of you reading my mind. I guess you can just trust me. 

I want to be able to read your mind. I'll just try it myself. 

Kia tried to push her mind toward his thoughts. Nothing. Damn. She felt Ash project frustration toward her. He was kind of glaring at her and scratching his rolled up window. 

"I'm not going to let you out. What if someone saw you flying beside the car. You dont exactly look like a common sparrow." He gave her one last look of disgust and curled up on the passenger seat, tucking his broad, furry face under one of his furry wings.

A half hour later, they pulled into head quarters. It was in a residential neighborhood, and when they pulled in, Kia thought they were at Rilsons cute little one story in the suburbs. When she went inside though, she found that it went into the ground, like a basement. Except that it had a tunnel, numerous tunnels that branched off and went to all the other houses on the block. There were six houses, and twelve underground rooms. One house was a huge kitchen and dining hall. Another House was a sort of gymnasium and weapons training area. The underground room in that house was a firing range. Another two houses were living quarters, one for boys and one for girls. The rooms were pretty spacious considering they didn't have to house that many soldier-guardian people in this day and age. 

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