Chapter 08 -- I FINALLY get to meet my JERK of a soul mate in person!

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Kia spent the next couple of weeks investigating everyone related to the organization and the orb. According to Justin, hed stolen the orb to protect it. He had caught someone trying to take it in the dead of night. He had yelled and they dropped it and ran, escaping without him finding out who was trying to steal it. 

He knew that it had to be someone connected with the organization, because they were the only people who had access to the high security vault that had held the orb. Without him knowing who it was though, he was in danger from everyone there, however few those people were, and so was the orb. So he had taken it and ran, and was now trying to figure out who the thief was, so that he could return.

She investigated the three people who were absent, guarding the temple, and the commander. She also pulled up files on Alex, Miss March, the garden worker, and the housemaid. 

This is interesting. She thought as she scrolled through a police report on Byron Tully, the gardener. 

It certainly is. It indicates that he might be power hungry enough to steal the orb. 

Kia looked around suspiciously. Are you watching me again? 

Yes, yes I am. You look delicious in that skirt. 

God! This is so unfair. When will I be able to see you, and not have to worry about you spying on me? 

You should ALWAYS worry about me spying on you. As for seeing me, soon I think. We need to think of a way to lure the culprit out of hiding. I'm thinking that if you announce that you might have found where I am, whoever it was will follow you and try to get me alone. 

What do you think about it being Byron? He was a juvenile when he tried to poison the would-be prom king, but character traits dont always just die off over the years. He could still want the limelight bad enough to do something like this. 

I think we should try my plan. If it's not him, or Alex for that matter, then neither will follow you. But it's worth a try. It could be one of the agents guarding the temple, in which case they won't know that you left looking for me. 

Oh well, if the trap isn't sprung, then I can just return, saying that the lead was a dead end. And stop being jealous, just because Alex likes me doesn't mean he wants to destroy the world. 

He ignored the bit about Alex. I really don't want to hide forever. If the trap isn't sprung, then we'll take Commander Rilson into our confidence. I can't be sure about her, but I trust her more than anyone else there.

Except for me. 

Except for you, he agreed.

She smiled and stood up to stretch. She was not cut out for spending hours hunched over one of these cursed machines. 

I love your smile. You don't smile enough. 

Kia frowned slightly and paused in the middle of her stretch. I smile all the time. 

You don't smile all the time while I'M watching. 

Oh. My. God. Well that settles it; I can never be with a man who doesn't make me laugh. I think I'll have to go hook up with Alex. 

You don't want to know what I would do to you if you hooked up with him. 

What? You would beat me? You don't strike me as the abusive type. 

Oh no, babe. There are LOTS of ways to get even that don't include physical abuse. 

Kia shivered slightly. She glanced furtively around the room. You can be scary, you know that? I trust you enough to know that you wouldn't do anything to hurt me. 

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